I only managed to sketch two of the readers/performers from yesterday’s Defend Drag fundraiser before I got too caught up to draw. Every reading and performance was 🔥!
Thanks go to all the performers/writers, and to the organizers, Baruch Porras Hernandez and Green Apple Books on the Park. I hope a lot of $$ was raised for the 3 trans & queer defense organizations #DefendTransLives #DefendQueerLives #DefendDrag
#defendtranslives #defendqueerlives #defenddrag
https://action.aclu.org/signup/pm-defend-trans-lives THIS is incredibly important. #ACLU #DefendTransLives #LoveOneAnother 🏳️⚧️
#loveoneanother #defendtranslives #aclu
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the N*w Y*rk T*m*s can FUCK OFF INTO THE SUN. #defendTransLives