Credit to my wife for thinking of it, but I wonder who from Putin's inner circle was on Luna 25....
#byenow #Putin #defenestration #ithinknot #coincidence
Well, it looks like former #Kremlin economic adviser #AndreiIlliarionov is about to be "defenestrated"
#kremlin #andreiilliarionov #stopwar #stopputin #stoprussia #defenestration #glorytoukraine
30 de Julio de 1419 durante una procesión husita en la ciudad de Praga uno de los sacerdotes es alcanzado por una piedra, como represalia sus seguidores asaltan el ayuntamiento y lanzan por a ventana al alcalde y a otros funcionarios siendo rematados por la multitud. #efemérides #prague #praga #defenestration #czech #history #historia
#historia #history #czech #defenestration #praga #prague #efemerides
@inanedirk jetzt fällt es mir erst wieder ein:
#brutaldeathmetal #technicaldeathmetal #deathmetal #defenestration #cryptopsy
Dann bin ich mal gespannt, wann #Prigoshin in Belarus versehentlich aus einem Fenster fällt.
#Prigoshin #defenestration #wagner #putin
#Travel virtually to the Third #Defenestration of #Prague, OTD in 1948 #history
#travel #defenestration #prague #history
The Third #Defenestration of #Prague happened OTD in 1948 #travel #history
#defenestration #prague #travel #history
The Third #Defenestration of #Prague happened OTD in 1948 #travel #history
#defenestration #prague #travel #history
“Hand Me Down That Can O’ Beans” is the best song about defenestrating a can of beans to avoid eating them, while “Smokey Joe’s Cafe” is the best song about eating beans to avoid being defenestrated. #beans #defenestration
William Douglas, 8th Earl of Douglas, was the most powerful magnate in Southern #Scotland; he was killed by #defenestration by James II of Scotland OTD in 1452 #travel #history
#scotland #defenestration #travel #history
Let's start a new trend:
#Russian #defenestration #Friday
This week we heard about:
Marina Yankina, 58, falling out a window 16 stories up on Feb 16
Vladimir Makarov, 72, "apparent suicide" at his home on Feb 13 after being sacked by Putin
#russian #defenestration #friday
Gaspard II de Coligny, born OTD in 1519, was a close friend of, and advisor to, King Charles IX of #France; he was killed by #defenestration in 1572 #travel #history
#france #defenestration #travel #history
Whoops...More Russians falling out of more windows. #defenestration
It’s a joke about “window cancer” which is the unfortunate tendency for Russian oligarchs who have fallen out of favor with the head of the mob to fall out of high windows.
Jr. Pac Man board c. 1983. This board's been kicking my ass for a while now. Some kinda data contention issue on the bus. Bout to teach it to fly here pretty soon. 😄 #defenestration
@Bradleycooper They each deserve a cell with a a really tall building.
Jonathan Lemire: Here is a list of people you should not currently want to be: a Russian sausage tycoon, gas-industry executive, shipyard director, aviation official, or rail magnate. Anyone answering to such a description probably ought not stand near open windows.
Sudden Russian Death Syndrome: It’s not a great time to be an oligarch who’s unenthusiastic about Putin’s war in Ukraine. #RussianOligarchs #Defenestration #Putin #Ukraine #SuddenRussianDeathSyndrome
#suddenrussiandeathsyndrome #Ukraine #Putin #defenestration #russianoligarchs
#Defenestration "The Second defenestration in 1483 was basically the same with several councillors thrown from windows and killed but this time..." @anarchy2023 @crimethinc_channel
Essentially, the city government was so full of shit, people came to "council meetings" and threw the fkrs out of the windows.