I am telling you now organize yourself #defensecouncils but be weary of who you let in. Don't just let any yahoo in they could be feds, snitches, or just plain old terrible people.
You want less protesters to die? Go in protect your community with whatever it is you know how to fight with. Form #defensecouncils. #MarchArmedMarchReady.
#defensecouncils #marcharmedmarchready
You want less protesters to die? Go in protect your community with whatever it is you know how to fight with. Form #defensecouncils. March armed march ready.
@BigJesusTrashcan the only way to best destroy the oppression we face is to form #defensecouncils. Your liberation does not afford to superiors but to those whomst are equals. The revolution of the mind and heart will conquer all that stand in the way of those who seek true freedom.
This is a good time to start talking about #defensecouncils. Arm yourselves, defend yourself and your community from police and right wing threats.
The attorney that I had for my last case is taking donations, both tangible and monetary. If you want to help a left leaning attorney in the middle of conservative Wisconsin consider donating to this law firm.
#anarchistblackcross #donations #defensecouncils
I don't care if you got a gun or a sword or even a stick. Get yourself some training. Form #defensecouncils. Train others.
We are being massacred in our own "safe spaces". I never understood how anyone could advocate for disarming us in this wave of violence against our siblings. An armed and active antifascist movement has teeth and with teeth we can defend ourselves from the harmful hands of fascism.