#deficient : wanting, to make up completeness
- French: déficient
- Italian: deficiente
- Portuguese: deficiente
- Spanish: deficiente
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
"Fine. Such a bland word really. It feels empty and weightless. It's the kind of word you use to hide the truth." — Krista Ritchie — — — #KristaRitchie #quote #quotes #fine #language #words #hide #coverup #bland #deficient
#kristaritchie #quote #quotes #fine #language #words #hide #coverup #bland #deficient
Neurology Fuels Bigotry
but it doesn't have to.
We can stop the hate.
#RespectYoungAdults #Neurology #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #YoungAdults #puberty #adolescence #Puritan #SexPhobic #Tradition #SexPhobia #StopTheHysteria #StopTheHate #brains #BrainDevelopment #SexualDevelopment #Evolution #Logic #Maladaptive #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex
#respectyoungadults #neurology #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #youngadults #puberty #adolescence #puritan #sexphobic #tradition #sexphobia #stopthehysteria #stopthehate #brains #BrainDevelopment #sexualdevelopment #evolution #logic #maladaptive #deficient #bodilyautonomy #agency #deficientbrains #undeveloped #frontallobe #prefrontalcortex
#deficient : wanting, to make up completeness
- French: déficient
- Italian: deficiente
- Portuguese: deficiente
- Spanish: deficiente
Thank you so much for being a member of our community!
I think that a lot of Gen Z has actually internalized the idea that they will be complete morons until age 25.
It's horrifying.
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria #DontAcceptHate
#bigotry #youngadults #teens #dehumanize #dehumanization #agency #rights #bully #AgeObsessed #freakout #StopTheHysteria #DontAcceptHate #RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #respect #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #bullying #geny #genz #millennials #agegap #gross #obsessed #ew #xp #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #stopthehate #deficient #DeficientBrains
Age-obsessed Millennials Freak Out Over Nothing
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
#teens #bullying #respect #youngadults #genz #agegap #freakout #ew #deficient #RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigotry #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #agency #rights #bully #gross #StopTheHysteria #bigots #teenagers #AgeObsessed #geny #millennials #obsessed #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #stopthehate #DeficientBrains
Segregation. Disrespect. Denied bodily autonomy. Anti-Teen Bigotry: part 2
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
#deficient #StopTheHysteria #stopthehate #bigots #bigotry #respect #teenagers #genz #gross #ew #xp #powerdynamics #DeficientBrains #dehumanization #millennials #agegap #freakout #obsessed #powerimbalance #RespectYoungAdults #hate #youngadults #teens #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #agency #rights #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #geny
Anti-Teen Bigotry is real, and it's VILE. We need to relearn how to Respect Young Adults.
Don't accept hate.
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria #DontAcceptHate
#AgeObsessed #genz #millennials #agegap #gross #freakout #obsessed #xp #deficient #DontAcceptHate #respect #youngadults #stopthehate #DeficientBrains #RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #agency #rights #bully #bullying #geny #ew #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #StopTheHysteria
One day, one decomposition
A005100: Deficient numbers: numbers k such that sigma(k) < 2k
3D graph #threejs #webGL ➡️ https://decompwlj.com/3Dgraph/Deficient_numbers.html
2D graph, first 500 terms ➡️ https://decompwlj.com/2Dgraph500terms/Deficient_numbers.html
#decompwlj #math #mathematics #sequence #OEIS #javascript #php #3D #deficient #numbers #sigma #graph
#graph #sigma #numbers #deficient #3d #php #javascript #oeis #sequence #mathematics #math #decompwlj #webgl #threejs
What's the motivation for this question everybody keeps asking?
#YoungAdults #puberty #adolescence #Puritan #SexPhobic #Tradition #xp #SexPhobia #MRI #BrainScans #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #StopTheHysteria #StopTheHate #brains #BrainDevelopment #SexualDevelopment #Evolution #Logic #Maladaptive #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex #RespectYoungAdults
#youngadults #adolescence #tradition #brainscans #teens #stopthehate #deficient #puberty #puritan #Sexphobic #mri #teenagers #rights #xp #SexPhobia #respect #StopTheHysteria #brains #braindevelopment #SexualDevelopment #evolution #logic #Maladaptive #bodilyautonomy #agency #DeficientBrains #undeveloped #frontallobe #prefrontalcortex #RespectYoungAdults
"Your brain isn't fully developed until your mid-20s"
is a giant myth.
It was created by click-bait headlines based on junk science.
These four links explain the errors
#RespectYoungAdults #Neurology #teens #teenagers #rights #brains #BrainDevelopment #SexualDevelopment #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex
#neurology #rights #brains #braindevelopment #SexualDevelopment #RespectYoungAdults #teens #teenagers #deficient #bodilyautonomy #agency #DeficientBrains #undeveloped #frontallobe #prefrontalcortex
Anti-Teen Bigotry is real, and it's VILE. We need to relearn how to Respect Young Adults.
Don't accept hate.
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria #DontAcceptHate
#hate #bigots #bigotry #teenagers #youngadults #AntiTeenBigotry #bully #geny #agegap #freakout #ew #xp #powerimbalance #respect #dehumanize #dehumanization #rights #bullying #AgeObsessed #genz #millennials #gross #DontAcceptHate #RespectYoungAdults #teens #agency #obsessed #stopthehate #StopTheHysteria #powerdynamics #deficient #DeficientBrains
Segregation. Disrespect. Denied bodily autonomy. Anti-Teen Bigotry: part 2
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #xp #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
#bigots #bigotry #respect #youngadults #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanization #agency #bully #bullying #RespectYoungAdults #hate #teens #dehumanize #genz #millennials #gross #freakout #rights #AgeObsessed #geny #agegap #ew #xp #powerdynamics #deficient #obsessed #powerimbalance #stopthehate #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
Age-obsessed Millennials Freak Out Over Nothing
#RespectYoungAdults #hate #bigots #bigotry #respect #YoungAdults #teens #teenagers #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanize #dehumanization #Agency #rights #respect #bully #bullying #AgeObsessed #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Gross #FreakOut #obsessed #Ew #PowerImbalance #PowerDynamics #StopTheHate #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
#bigotry #respect #youngadults #teens #gross #AgeObsessed #freakout #RespectYoungAdults #hate #AntiTeenBigotry #dehumanization #rights #bully #bullying #stopthehate #deficient #DeficientBrains #bigots #teenagers #dehumanize #agency #geny #genz #millennials #agegap #obsessed #ew #powerimbalance #powerdynamics #StopTheHysteria
Between ages 13 and 50 you lose about 20% of your gray matter, and gain about 10% of white matter.
These are not dramatic differences.
Teenage brains and middle aged brains are very similar.
#StopTheHysteria #Brains #BrainDevelopment #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex #RespectYoungAdults
#StopTheHysteria #brains #deficient #braindevelopment #DeficientBrains #prefrontalcortex #RespectYoungAdults #bodilyautonomy #agency #undeveloped #frontallobe
People are not mental incompetents until they reach some mythical point of "fully mature"
#RespectYoungAdults #Neurology #teens #teenagers #rights #respect #YoungAdults #puberty #adolescence #Puritan #SexPhobic #Tradition #SexPhobia #StopTheHysteria #StopTheHate #brains #BrainDevelopment #SexualDevelopment #Evolution #Logic #Maladaptive #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex
#deficient #RespectYoungAdults #neurology #teens #teenagers #adolescence #rights #respect #youngadults #puberty #tradition #Maladaptive #bodilyautonomy #agency #DeficientBrains #undeveloped #frontallobe #prefrontalcortex #puritan #Sexphobic #SexPhobia #StopTheHysteria #stopthehate #brains #braindevelopment #SexualDevelopment #evolution #logic
The brain is by far the least understood part of human anatomy.
Sentences like "We took pictures of brains and noticed some changes and that means that 22 year olds cannot consent to sex"
are very popular, but complete idiocy.
#RespectYoungAdults #Neurology #teens #teenagers #YoungAdults #Puritan #SexPhobic #Tradition #SexPhobia #StopTheHysteria #StopTheHate #brains #BrainDevelopment #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex
#youngadults #brains #bodilyautonomy #frontallobe #teens #puritan #neurology #teenagers #StopTheHysteria #stopthehate #braindevelopment #deficient #prefrontalcortex #RespectYoungAdults #Sexphobic #agency #DeficientBrains #undeveloped #tradition #SexPhobia
A: "Prefrontal cortex! Irrational child brains! No one under 25 should have the right to vote!"
B: "If they have child brains we can't let them work in factories, or any place where there's danger. They gotta be removed from the workforce, and of course free from taxation."
#YoungAdults #ChildLabor #TaxationWithoutRepresentation #StopTheHysteria #Brains #BrainDevelopment #deficient #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #DeficientBrains #Undeveloped #FrontalLobe #PrefrontalCortex #RespectYoungAdults
#RespectYoungAdults #childlabor #frontallobe #prefrontalcortex #DeficientBrains #bodilyautonomy #youngadults #taxationwithoutrepresentation #StopTheHysteria #brains #undeveloped #braindevelopment #deficient #agency
The Red Herring is a logical fallacy
It's a very effective propaganda technique
#RespectYoungAdults #GenY #GenZ #Millennials #AgeGap #Taboo #SexPhobia #Puritan #PuritanRevival #YoungAdults #xp #SexPhobia #teens #teenagers #BodilyAutonomy #Agency #rights #respect #StopTheHate #SexualDevelopment #Evolution #Logic #Maladaptive #deficient #DeficientBrains #StopTheHysteria
#RespectYoungAdults #geny #genz #millennials #DeficientBrains #agegap #taboo #SexPhobia #puritan #PuritanRevival #youngadults #xp #teens #teenagers #bodilyautonomy #agency #rights #respect #stopthehate #SexualDevelopment #evolution #logic #Maladaptive #deficient #StopTheHysteria