Somebody, please tell me why defense spending should be excluded from budget cuts? Defense is about half of discretionary spending. If you really cared about the #nationaldebt and #deficits, you would be cutting across the board—not making excuses for the Defense Department, a money pit that has yet to pass an audit. #debtceiling #debtlimit #budget #debt
#nationaldebt #deficits #debtceiling #debtlimit #budget #debt
Urban traffic noise causes song learning deficits in #birds
“#Traffic #noise leads to inaccuracies and delays in the development of song learning in young birds. They also suffer from a suppressed immune system, which is an indicator of chronic stress. A new study by researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology and colleagues shows that young zebra finches, just like children, are particularly vulnerable to the effects of noise because of its potential to interfere with learning at a critical developmental stage.”
Traffic noise disrupts vocal development and suppresses immune function
#Birds #Roads #Cars #Chronic #Stress #Learning impairments #Language #Deficits #Immunity #Anthropogenic #Noise #Pollution #GlenifferRoad #RosesRd
Image: Bellingen mural
#birds #traffic #noise #roads #cars #chronic #stress #learning #language #deficits #immunity #anthropogenic #pollution #glenifferroad #rosesrd
The ISciences Global Water Watch List for March 2023 has been published. Regions #forecast to experience significant #water #deficits for the 12-month period Dec 2022 through Nov 2023 include: #Canada, the #MiddleEast, #Chile, #Argentina, #Uruguay, and #China. Areas of significant water surplus include: the western #UnitedStates, #Pakistan, #Malaysia, central #Africa, and southeastern #Australia.
#flood #drought #climate #environment #sustainability
#forecast #water #deficits #canada #middleeast #Chile #argentina #uruguay #China #UnitedStates #Pakistan #malaysia #Africa #australia #flood #drought #climate #environment #sustainability
When Reagan was president they SAID they were causing deficits -ON PURPOSE- as a strategy. They called it "strategic deficis."
- Cut taxes to create deficits.
Scare the public about deficits.
- Force cuts in spending on things govt does to make people's lives better.
-Make people unhappy about government not working, to get votes.
-Use their power to cut taxes even more.
-Scare the public about deficits.
#reagan #deficits #democracy #taxes
From today’s NYT, “Despite Republican claims that the tax cuts paid for themselves, the C.B.O. estimated last month that Mr. Trump’s corporate tax cuts alone would cost the federal government hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue in the years to come. Earlier C.B.O. analyses suggest that the full slate of tax cuts have already cost the government $1.2 trillion through the 2022 fiscal year.” Most of the increase in deficits is due to Trump tax cuts — not Democrats’ spending. #deficits
“As they escalate a debt-limit standoff, House #Republicans blame President Biden’s spending bills for an increase in #deficits. Voting records show otherwise.”
One problem with the debt limit issue is the horrible reporting in the media -- left, right, and center -- that (a) confuses debt and deficit and (b) implies, or states, that it is possible to stop the debt from growing through spending cuts. Here's yet another example of the idiocy the media throw out.
#economics #debtlimit #debtceiling #deficits #federalbudget
The #Fed started operating at a loss in September. They've stopped paying remittances to the Treasury, a loss of $100B/year for the US government, 3x NASA's budget, and they're not likely to start paying them again any time soon.
"By the end of this decade, I have considerable concerns regarding a fiscal spiral occurring in the United States and other developed countries, meaning that a combination of high #deficits, high #debts, and high #InterestRates on those debts, will all work together to create structural #inflation and money supply growth. The Federal Reserve entering into negative tangible equity is just another piece of that process unfolding, since it contributes to larger federal deficits by taking away Treasury remittances."
How the Fed "Went Broke" - Lyn Alden
#fed #deficits #debts #interestrates #inflation
Regions #forecast to have significant #water #deficits for the 12-month period November 2022 through October 2023 include: #Canada, #Chile, #Argentina, #Uruguay, the #MiddleEast, and #China. Areas of significant water surplus include: #Pakistan, #Thailand, the #Philippines, central #Africa, and southeastern #Australia.
#flood #drought #climate #environment #sustainability #WaterSecurity #EnergySecurity #FoodSecurity #Geospatial #maps #EnvironmentalScience
#forecast #water #deficits #canada #Chile #argentina #uruguay #middleeast #China #Pakistan #thailand #philippines #Africa #australia #flood #drought #climate #environment #sustainability #watersecurity #EnergySecurity #foodsecurity #geospatial #maps #EnvironmentalScience
Interest rates soar high
Spending causes debt to spiral
Political strife
#deficits #interestrates #spending #politicalstrife #haiku #poetry
#spending #politicalstrife #haiku #poetry #interestrates #deficits
I'm watching and reading all kinds of commentary on "deficits" and I keep hearing about "what to cut" but I don't EVER hear about fixing the problem at the source: bring back the tax rates on corporations and the wealthy!!
The tax cuts CAUSED the problem. (On purpose.)
(Yes, I know, but the public is not going to be understanding #MMT yet.)
And every 'tax cut' is taking money (income) away from the federal government. It's like moving from a full-time to part-time job and not changing your lifestyle or spending habits.
#debt #republicans #reagan #deficits
Since Reagan. Cut taxes on rich & corporations, blame Dems for "spending."
Over and over again till government doesn't work anymore.
#debt #republicans #reagan #deficits
Kevin Can F**k Himself
#Kevin_mccarthy #Face_the_nation #Cbs_news #Margaret_brennan #Sunday_show_rundown #San_francisco_49ers #2023_nfc_championship #Debt #National_debt #Deficits #Debt_ceiling #2020_election #2000_election #2016_election #Donald_trump #George_w_bush #Anthony_fauci #Marjorie_taylor_greene #Covid #Holocaust #Masks #Masks_culture_war #Bff #January_6 #January_6_insurrection #Tucker_carlson #George_santos #Eric_swalwell #Proxy_voting
#Proxy_voting #Eric_swalwell #George_santos #Tucker_carlson #January_6_insurrection #January_6 #bff #Masks_culture_war #masks #holocaust #covid #marjorie_taylor_greene #Anthony_fauci #George_w_bush #donald_trump #2016_election #2000_election #2020_election #debt_ceiling #deficits #national_debt #debt #2023_nfc_championship #San_francisco_49ers #Sunday_show_rundown #Margaret_brennan #Cbs_news #Face_the_nation #Kevin_mccarthy
How can we have "deficit" discussions in the media without even mentioning the huge tax cuts for the rich that caused the deficits?
#deficits #taxcuts #taxtherich
I'm curious what would happen to the "deficits" Republicans complain about if their tax policies were reversed?
Top tax rate was returned to 90%
Corp tax rates returned to 50%
Inheritance tax restored to 70% over 1970 income level plus inflation?
(PS Also inequality)
#taxes #reagan #deficits #inequality
Via Simon Rosenberg:
“In the coming months House Rs are going to present themselves as sound economic and fiscal stewards.
Neither is true, and we cannot let them get away with it.
Last 3 #GOP Presidents brought recessions and exploding #deficits.” #economy
His extensive thread on the hellsite documents the above, but you get the point.
Et elle nous fait croire qu’elle a planté un chêne…🙄
Comme si on n’avait pas déjà assez de glands à la tête du pays !
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #mème #borne #macron #dupondmoretti #fossoyeurs #déficits #mckinsey #alstom #carolinecayeux
Pour voir ou revoir les parodies musicales, les revues de presse décalées, les détournements vidéos, les mèmes et les brèves, venez me retrouver et vous abonner sur:
#bfn #breakingfakenews #humour #meme #borne #macron #dupondmoretti #fossoyeurs #deficits #mckinsey #alstom #carolinecayeux