Tom Forsyth · @TomF
3369 followers · 5064 posts · Server

@JoshJers You can do 95% of this with a header file per API and a bunch of . The last 5% is always tricky of course - you always seem to end up with some HLSL sections - honestly that's probably the sweet spot anyway. To "fix" those, you start basically writing your own shader compiler for your own custom language, and that's a lot of work.

#defines #ifdef

Last updated 1 year ago

Tom Forsyth · @TomF
2848 followers · 2827 posts · Server

@mcc @Wevah IIRC, that formed the basis of the Itanium version of Windows, and then the ARM version. So basically ever since the 90s there has been some RISC version of Windows being built, and it kinda just changes along the way - never quite becoming legit, always the red-headed step-child, but never actually being killed either.


Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
127 followers · 260 posts · Server

@alsutton Just looked - yep, , typedefs and more syscall wrappers with .

#pragmas #defines

Last updated 1 year ago

MyNameIsTrez · @mynameistrez
1 followers · 86 posts · Server

@demofox The second major difference is that for the sake of not needing nine more (one RGB per object type), I've opted to get rid of specularColor entirely, and to just let the old
throughput *= hitInfo.albedo;
be used. I don't think this should cause such a drastic chance in the pink ball either however?


Last updated 1 year ago

MyNameIsTrez · @mynameistrez
1 followers · 85 posts · Server

So I'm done with page 2 and am now continuing to page 3, but my result looks quite off.

One major difference I can think of is that since we aren't allowed to edit our scene files, I've opted to use to hardcode the emissive, specular, and roughness for every object type. I've used the values of the pink ball in your Shadertoy program, so am comparing the pink balls.

The pic on the left is of course mine, while yours is on the right.


Last updated 1 year ago

Geoff Winkless · @Geoff
211 followers · 678 posts · Server

@AlisonW @revk @steve i'm still working on code that BOOL as int, TRUE as 1 and FALSE as 0 and tests explicitly for each. And I daren't change it, in case there's occasions where the value has been set to something other than 0/1 and neither path is intended.


Last updated 1 year ago

Chrissy · @chrissytina
7 followers · 74 posts · Server

@donm when you use hashtags to shit on things it gets you blocked

#defines #NFT #scam #htc #viverse #virtualreality #vr

Last updated 1 year ago

Studio 8502 :verified: · @mos_8502
1528 followers · 6432 posts · Server

I like C, in general, but one thing that honks me off is the total lack of anything resembling a cross-platform bitfield. You have to use proprocessor and masks and shifts if you want to extract bits.


Last updated 1 year ago

Daniel Gibson · @Doomed_Daniel
220 followers · 825 posts · Server

@dotstdy @binarycrusader
I think there's also some stuff that gets inlined in some versions (I think I've seen that with some math functions?), and maybe "functions" that get renamed to different impls with in newer versions, not sure about that part though


Last updated 1 year ago

SuperIlu · @dec_hl
909 followers · 1885 posts · Server

I tried some dirty hacks today. I wanted to do a basic port of to by using a Linux version of Allegro 4.4 (for the graphics stuff) and ncurses (for the editor).

But I think the idea is doomed because I found NO WAY to get the same details for keyboard input as on .

The editor uses stuff like CTRL-UP/DOWN quite a lot.

I also had a very hard time because Allegro and ncurses did collide quite a lot on and function names...

#DOjS #linux #msdos #defines

Last updated 2 years ago

Pixel · @Synthesoft
83 followers · 156 posts · Server

Currently developing an improved shader system for Flashback. It allows shaders to define their own uniforms w/type, range, defaults, and UI info. It also supports this with via recompile-and-continue.

It's a little hacky but it *really* improves workflow & experimentation. Add a uniform in the editor and it automatically appears in the treeview at the specified place in the hierarchy.

Screen shot is of Flashback's shader editor/tester.


Last updated 2 years ago

Arthur Brainville · @ybalrid
48 followers · 130 posts · Server

@marlinfirmware I have put the required in my config, but I have not yet got around to properly tune it!


Last updated 2 years ago

Arseny Kapoulkine · @zeux
1231 followers · 130 posts · Server

I guess /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h is the equivalent of Windows.h in all ways, including harmful that randomly break stuff.


Last updated 2 years ago

mpe · @mpe
82 followers · 10 posts · Server

@marcan powerpc supports boot-time selection of which MMU to use (hash page table or radix). Pretty much it was a case of turning a bunch of into variables, see eg. radix__early_init_mmu(), ... and then fixing lots of obscure bugs 😅 - 03dfee6d5f82 was a good one.


Last updated 2 years ago

Gravecat :blobcatuwu: · @gc
516 followers · 2840 posts · Server

@XerShadowTail For static consts and , sure. Anyone who uses that for variables or functions is a person who terrifies me. >.>


Last updated 2 years ago

sliptrixx · @sliptrixx
0 followers · 2 posts · Server

As we move on to 2023, here's a recap on stuff we released in 2022. These are absolutely FREE and open-source tools 😊

Hibernator is a library used to create idle applications that consume minimum resources in

DefineManager is a tool used to manage in a Unity project to enable/disable optional features in supporting packages and to produce cleaner, more efficient code

DevMenu is a tool for Unity used to add custom commands to a developer menu for quick testing and debugging

#defines #unity3d

Last updated 2 years ago

swashberry :verified: · @swashberry
271 followers · 1241 posts · Server

He justified this position by pointing out that it's possible to use in C to create a program coded entirely using underscores.

Yes, it's possible to code something poorly, and it's possible to put additional effort in to code something atrociously, but I think we're missing some key logical steps.


Last updated 2 years ago

fraggle · @fraggle
545 followers · 6778 posts · Server

btw curses really should come with a header full of or inline functions that give you more readable, modern function names. Because "wbkgdset" is not a good name for an API function


Last updated 2 years ago

bird girl · @autumnal
23 followers · 1621 posts · Server

@nixfreak at the risk of completely shortcutting the intended puzzle, on this computer it prints OFF. which i was half expecting, just cause i wouldn't think one would post a question like this where the code does what one would expect based on a naive reading.

my guess was that this was some kind of subtle type casting shenanigans; when i changed the to const chars it printed ON which seemed to confirm this.

i kind of suspect that if i went out and read the C standard (C99?) i could find a suspicious part; i also kind of suspect that the length of 'char' might be implementation def...

oh wait it's a *signed* char. isn't it. maybe that does it. cause if it's one byte long then 0xFF would turn the sign bit on, maybe, d...epending on...okay i won't claim to be able to analyze this in detail. i think either it turns the sign bit on, or it overflows, assuming char is a byte long, i kind of suspect the former but idk. (or maybe it just truncates the value so it fits in a signed char, leaving 254?)

also, what i don't know at *all* is what type gcc thinks of the literal 0xFF in status == ON as having... this gets weird to think about... but, like, i'm guessing that at runtime, it's checking something like -254 == 255

i guess i'm just an amateur C programmer after all. not surprising, really


i tried printf()ing the status inside print_message and got -1. which wasn't exactly what i imagined, but... kinda makes enough sense, i guess. i wonder if this is machine dependent

i suppose what it comes down to is that the literal 0xFF in status == ON is treated differently than the literal 0xFF passed as an argument to print_message


Last updated 3 years ago