And she's done it!
100 targets.
Congratulations, I guess?
Gift basket (you thought we were kidding?) being finalized. Gotta take the booze out though — the recipient is under age.
#thecaryma100 #carymango #definitelynotanarcissist
I downloaded this graphic July 11th!
She has managed not to target someone for an ENTIRE MONTH!
Who's going to be lucky 99?
You know it's coming!
#CarymaNgo #CreepySpouseInDaHouse
#TheCaryma100 #DefinitelyNotANarcissist
#carymango #creepyspouseindahouse #thecaryma100 #definitelynotanarcissist
We have definitely reached 98!
Totally normal.
#DefinitelyNotANarcissist #CarymaNgo
#definitelynotanarcissist #carymango