CFTC Cracks Down on 3 Defi Platforms for Offering Illegal Derivatives - The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has issued orders against the... - #decentralizedfinance #regulatorybody #settledcharges #defioperators #defiplatforms #defiprotocols #commodities #derivatives #commission #penalties #regulator #charges #deridex #futures #zeroex #defi #cftc #opyn
#opyn #cftc #defi #zeroex #futures #deridex #charges #regulator #penalties #commission #derivatives #commodities #defiprotocols #defiplatforms #defioperators #settledcharges #regulatorybody #decentralizedfinance
Defi TVL Holds Steady Above $42 Billion as Lido Finance Dominates With $12.69 Billion Locked - On June 18, 2023, the total value locked (TVL) in decentralized finance (defi) pro... - #smartcontracttokeneconomy #ethereum-basedprotocols #decentralizedfinance #blockchainnetworks #totalvaluelocked #marketvaluation #defiprotocols #liquidstaking #lidofinance #dominance #losses
#losses #dominance #lidofinance #liquidstaking #defiprotocols #marketvaluation #totalvaluelocked #blockchainnetworks #decentralizedfinance #ethereum #smartcontracttokeneconomy
Total Value Locked in Defi Surpasses $50 Billion Mark for First Time Since FTX Collapse - Crypto prices have surged in value over the past few days, and the total value loc... - #decentralizedexchange #decentralizedfinance #binancesmartchain #totalvaluelocked #protocolbridges #cryptocurrency #convexfinance #defiprotocols #liquidstaking #lockedvalue #pancakeswap #blockchain #dex
#dex #blockchain #pancakeswap #lockedvalue #liquidstaking #defiprotocols #convexfinance #cryptocurrency #protocolbridges #totalvaluelocked #binancesmartchain #decentralizedfinance #decentralizedexchange
Hackers Stole $3.8 Billion From Crypto Firms in 2022, Says Chainalysis - Blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis says 2022 was “the biggest year ever for cry... - #northkoreacryptocurrencyhackers #chainalysiscryptohackingreport #decentralizedfinancehackers #northkoreacryptohackers #cryptocurrencyhacking #cryptohackers #cryptohacking #defiprotocols #chainalysis #defihackers #featured
#featured #defihackers #chainalysis #defiprotocols #cryptohacking #cryptohackers #cryptocurrencyhacking #northkoreacryptohackers #decentralizedfinancehackers #chainalysiscryptohackingreport #northkoreacryptocurrencyhackers
Ethereum Classic’s Hashrate and Price Trend Lower After Ethereum PoW to PoS Transition - Just before the Ethereum network transitioned from a proof-of-work (PoW) blockchai... - #decentralizedexchange #decentralizedfinance #ethereumclassic(etc) #computationalpower #seven-daydecrease #terahashpersecond #totalvaluelocked #ethereumclassic #proof-of-stake #defiprotocols
#pool #defiprotocols #proof #totalvaluelocked #terahashpersecond #seven #computationalpower #ethereumclassic #decentralizedfinance #decentralizedexchange
We Must Expedite the Move From Centralized Services to Viable DeFi Alternatives - There is a reason centralized exchanges have dominated despite being antithetical ... - #decentralizedplatforms #trustedintermediaries #centralizedexchanges #decentralizedfinance #selfcustodialwallets #traditionalfinance #cryptotechnology #opinioneditorial #matchingengine #defieducation #defiprotocols
#defiprotocols #defieducation #matchingengine #opinioneditorial #cryptotechnology #traditionalfinance #selfcustodialwallets #decentralizedfinance #centralizedexchanges #trustedintermediaries #decentralizedplatforms
TVL in Defi Slides Under $40 Billion, Tapping a Low Not Seen Since February 2021 - The total value locked (TVL) in decentralized finance (defi) has fallen below the ... - #decentralizedfinance #smartcontracttokens #cross-chainbridges #binancesmartchain #totalvaluelocked #compoundfinance #smartcontracts #convexfinance #defiprotocols #cryptoassets #tokeneconomy #pancakeswap #avalanche
#avalanche #pancakeswap #tokeneconomy #cryptoassets #defiprotocols #convexfinance #smartcontracts #compoundfinance #totalvaluelocked #binancesmartchain #cross #smartcontracttokens #decentralizedfinance
Decentralized Finance Protocols Flounder as Value Locked in Defi Shed More Than 25% Since FTX Collapsed - On December 12, 2022, the total value locked (TVL) in decentralized finance (defi)... - #decentralizedfinance #smartcontracttokens #cross-chainbridges #binancesmartchain #totalvaluelocked #compoundfinance #smartcontracts #convexfinance #defiprotocols #assets
#assets #defiprotocols #convexfinance #smartcontracts #compoundfinance #totalvaluelocked #binancesmartchain #cross #smartcontracttokens #decentralizedfinance