@blink :) це теж техгігант, який, до речі, не вийшов з раші, тому ми пропонуємо для українських організацій / медіа альтернативу – #Deflect - https://deflect.ca/ua
I can understand why Texas AG Ken Paxton would think labeling his Republican-led impeachment a politically motivated witch hunt by RINOs who want "to sabotage our legal challenges to Biden’s extremist agenda" might be his get out of jail free card. It's worked well for his buddy Trump. #Deflect #Smear #Lie #InvokeBiden
#deflect #smear #lie #invokebiden
@nuncio #Deflect. Deflect. Deflect. “Look Over There!” #GOP #Gaslighting #Lies
#deflect #gop #gaslighting #lies
Why is it when “conservatives” don’t like it when a morally/illegally indefensible activity done by one of their own is pointed out, they fall back on complaining that the language is uncivil? “ How dare you point out my transgressions? No one SAID I couldn’t eat the entire cake myself!”
#Deflect #Distract #Deny #Hypocrisy #Fascists
#deflect #distract #deny #hypocrisy #fascists
⚠️ Нагадування про можливості – команда Інтерньюз-Україна та eQualitie пропонує безплатно для українських громадських організацій та медіа підключення до захисту від бонетів та DDoS-атак – #Deflect
Більше про софт – https://deflect.ca/ua
Реєстрація для тих, хто підпадає під критерій безплатного підключення: https://dashboard.deflect.ca/signup-np
"You can't #deflect 🛰️ something you haven't #discovered" 🔭 #Asteroid ☄️ Detection on #Scientists #Rock https://youtu.be/VtE18GhVmRg
#deflect #discovered #asteroid #scientists #rock #asteroidthreat
☑️ Аби ви більше розуміли, що таке DDoS та як від нього захищатися – звісно, якщо це вам потрібно)
🙀 DDoS-атаки і захист від них | Повномасштабне кібервторгнення
☑️ Аби ви більше розуміли, що таке DDoS та як від нього захищатися
🙀 DDoS-атаки і захист від них | Повномасштабне кібервторгнення
#craiyon Okay, wanted an idea for a #scifi armor for some post civ society, but this turned out pretty neat for the deeper things it showed - I asked "create a set of #bodyarmor with #refractive abilities to #deflect bullets" and it interestingly pulled up a 3d model it made which showed some rather fascinating designs for doing such. I'm not saying this is feasible, but I am now 100% curious how well something like this would work based on dense enough materials and refractions.
#Craiyon #scifi #bodyarmor #refractive #deflect
I'm going to keep repeating this until it sinks in... The #GQP (Marge is one of the leaders) continues to use their 3-D playbook.
For those of us who believe in #Democracy and the #RuleOfLaw we need to challenge their 🐂💩‼️
#ruleoflaw #Democracy #deflect #deny #distract #GQP
On the second year occasion of an attempted #Coup #Insurrection of the 2020 presidential election, the #GQP continues to use their 3-D playbook;
#denydenydeny #deflect #distract #GQP #insurrection #coup
On the second year occasion of an attempted #Coup #Insurrection of a election, the #GQP continues to use their 3-D playbook;
#denydenydeny #deflect #distract #GQP #insurrection #coup
#NEO Surveyor construction 🔧 begins : “For the first time Earth’s inhabitants are developing methods to protect #Earth by deflecting hazardous #asteroids ☄️, But before we can #deflect them, we first need to #find them" https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/construction-begins-on-nasas-next-generation-asteroid-hunter
#NEO #earth #asteroids #deflect #find #asteroidthreat #NASA #JPL #planetarydefense
Anybody old enough to remember Republican attacks on President Carter talking about his brother #BillyCarter?
The GOP has only one playbook: #distract #smear #deflect
Every accusation is a confession. Payments to the #kushner family absolutely dwarf any graft #HunterBiden is accused of.
Never a single solution for inflation or gas prices or trade or unemployment or healthcare or education, or making the lives of Americans anything other than miserable, while playing the eternal victim.
#billycarter #distract #smear #deflect #kushner #hunterbiden
"You can't #deflect 🛰️ something you haven't #discovered" 🔭 #Asteroid ☄️ Detection on #Scientists #Rock https://youtu.be/VtE18GhVmRg
#deflect #discovered #asteroid #scientists #rock
"You can't #deflect 🛰️ something you haven't #discovered" 🔭 #Asteroid ☄️ Detection on #Scientists #Rock https://youtu.be/VtE18GhVmRg
#deflect #discovered #asteroid #scientists #rock
Excited to extend our list of open source instances with #Deflect, and support our Subscribers with ethical tech when it comes to securing their websites.