13 mars 1923: Lee #deForest fait la démonstration d'un film agrémenté d'une bande sonore. #histoire #cejourla #invention
#deforest #histoire #cejourla #invention
#Wisconsin might be getting a Buc-ee's. Cool!
"The plans show a 74,000-square-foot travel center where motorists could fuel up and stop for a variety of food items, including brisket, breakfast sandwiches, fresh fruit and more, along with gifts and a variety of other products. Pictures of another Buc-ee’s location showed aisles and aisles of products, a station for fresh cut brisket, including a food market area and a red truck parked in the store."
«#Agathias on #Italy, Italians and the Gothic War« de D. #DeForest en #EstudiosBizantinos 8 (2020) http://www.edicions.ub.edu/revistes/estudiosBizantinos08/default.asp?articulo=1696&modo=resumen También en https://www.academia.edu/46596442/Agathias_on_Italy_Italians_and_the_Gothic_War
#agathias #italy #deforest #estudiosbizantinos #gothicwar