90% Of England’s Most Precious River Habitats Blighted By Raw Sewage And Farming Pollution
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/12/an-utter-disgrace-90-of-englands-most-precious-river-habitats-blighted-by-raw-sewage-and-farming-pollution <-- shared media article
[“In Englands green & pleasant Land” ~William Blake, 1804]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #England #UK #Britain #SSSI #water #hydrology #waterquality #regulations #DEFRA #river #rivers #streams #monitoring #government #watersecurity #pollution #sewerage #sewage #dredging #humanimpacts #agricultural #farming #fisheries #ecosystems #habitat #microplastics
Natural England
#gis #spatial #mapping #england #uk #britain #sssi #water #hydrology #waterquality #regulations #defra #river #rivers #streams #monitoring #government #watersecurity #pollution #sewerage #sewage #dredging #humanimpacts #agricultural #farming #fisheries #ecosystems #habitat #microplastics
The UK 🌱 Plant Health Information Portal - An online hub for plant health information, data and resources from #Defra. ⤵️
Protected areas: UK government not on course for COP15 pledge
#cop15 #ukgov #tories #protectedareas #biodiversity #hol #HOLEnviromentAndClimateChangeCommittee #InternationalCommitments #SSSIs #mpas #defra #johnson
"Defra invests £33m to protect peat, conserve species"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Defra #Peat #Environment
#Environment #peat #defra #unitedkingdom #UK
"A public spending watchdog has criticised the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs amid concerns about a lack of long-term planning to tackle waste and boost recycling."
#recycling #defra #unitedkingdom #UK
"Thérèse Coffey accused of excluding environmental groups from Defra crisis meeting over saving River Wye"
#defra #Environment #unitedkingdom #UK
The Data Selector system offered by #Defra to download #AirQuality data is horrific.
Yes, the data is #openData but the formatting leaves much to be desired of.
Would columns indicating location name; location type (urban / suburban / rural); location usage (background / industrial / traffic) be too much to ask for to allow for easier data reformatting into a type suitable for analysis.
A bulk data downloader API a la https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/ would be fab instead of relying on emailing links.
My brain is mush - attempting to fill in #RLE1 for #RuralPaymentsScheme because I want to try and get a #grant for #hedgelaying
9 open gov.uk tabs, 3 maps & 4 how-to’s and slowly dawning misery that even a masters degree in English cannot help me parse the chaos that is #Defra and the #RuralPaymentsAgency 😭
#ruralpaymentsagency #defra #hedgelaying #grant #ruralpaymentsscheme #rle1
#GreenRebels outside #Defra, part of #TheBigOne #climate demo
#NatureEmergency #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice
Photo by Prince from Holland
#climatejustice #climateemergency #NatureEmergency #climate #thebigone #defra #GreenRebels
Privatised firm ‘misleads’ over toxic chemicals in water; #Defra slated over ‘lack of enforcement’ https://voxpoliticalonline.com/2023/04/22/privatised-firm-misleads-over-toxic-chemicals-in-water-defra-slated-over-lack-of-enforcement/
"Plan for Water: Defra touts unlimited fines for polluting water companies"
#UK #UnitedKingdom #Defra #Pollution #WaterPollution
#waterpollution #Pollution #defra #unitedkingdom #UK
"Watchdog slams Defra for ‘consistently failing’ to report on whether its policies are effective"
#Energy #Environment #defra #unitedkingdom #UK
A typo you say? 🤔🤨 #environment #DEFRA #ThereseCoffey
Seemingly ambitious Defra hedgerow targets actually due to typo https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/mar/24/seemingly-ambitious-defra-hedgerow-targets-actually-due-to-typo?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
#environment #defra #theresecoffey
Exmoor Nature Friendly Farming Project funding extended
#Exmoor #Devon #Farming #NaturalEngland #DEFRA #Conservation #Nature
#Exmoor #devon #farming #naturalengland #defra #conservation #nature
“Cabinet ministers have been warned by senior civil servants that they face court action because of their catastrophic failure to develop policies for tackling climate change, according to secret documents obtained by the Observer.”
#netzero #defra #ClimateChange #Climate #unitedkingdom #UK
"Britain’s farmers battered by Brexit fallout and rising costs, says union"
#DEFRA - Department for the Elimination of Farming and Rural Affairs
#defra #farming #brexit #nfu #agriculture
"Defra touts quicker rollout of nature-friendly farmer payments covering fertilisers, insecticides and more"
#Nature #defra #unitedkingdom #UK
Also, the Guardian's environment correspondent Helena Horton on the government's proposed new post-Brexit Environmental Land Management Schemes (#ELMS)
#Brexit #agriculture #farming #Nature #Environment #defra #ELMS
@anamckellar Here's the article, posted by the author #JenniRussell in a very informative thread/discussion relayed on #Nitter - shocking reading. The #UK "will poison food chains forever unless we change..."
#MarinePollution #Teesside #ecocide
#fisheries #DieOff #crabs #lobsters #seals #seabirds
#toxic #IndustrialWaste #dredging #toxin #pyridine
#DEFRA #Coffey #Houchen #UKpolitics
#EnvironmentalDisaster #FoodChain
#jennirussell #nitter #uk #MarinePollution #teesside #ecocide #fisheries #dieoff #crabs #lobsters #seals #seabirds #toxic #industrialwaste #dredging #toxin #pyridine #defra #coffey #houchen #ukpolitics #environmentaldisaster #foodchain