Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
218 followers · 539 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Whizzer was a Schwarzkopf extended jumbo jet model that operated at California's Great America from 1976 to 1988.

The small coaster featured the infamous electric spiral lift that was a space-saving feature these rides deployed on most of their builds.

While only reaching a height of 70 feet (21m), Whizzer did manage to top out at 42MPH.

📷 David McMaster | c. 1977

#rollercoasters #coasters #schwarzkopf #cagreatamerica #themeparks #defunctcoasters

Last updated 1 year ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
209 followers · 478 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Big Dipper at Geauga Lake was a John A. Miller designed wooden roller coaster that operated at the park from 1925 to the park's closure in 2007. The out-and-back coaster reached topped heights of 62 feet and top speeds of 35 MPH.

The coaster sat abandoned until it was finally torn down in 2016. It's a shame it wasn't able to be relocated.

📸 coasterimage.com | c. 2002

#rollercoasters #coasters #themeparks #woodencoaster #ohio #defunctcoasters #bigdipper #geaugalake

Last updated 1 year ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
177 followers · 393 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Was there ever a sadder roller coaster tale than Windjammer Surf Racers at @knotts ?? Opened in 1997 as a new prototype from Togo, the coaster was plauged with so many issues and repairs that it was unceremoniously shut down only 3 years later in 2000.

The park has never recovered. /s

📷 Duane Marden | c. 1999

#rollercoasters #coasters #defunctcoasters #knotts #knottsberryfarm #togo #themeparks

Last updated 1 year ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
171 followers · 369 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Screechin' Eagle was a wooden roller coaster that operated at LeSourdsville Lake Amusement Park from 1940 until the park's closure in 2002.

Designed by the infamous John C. Allen, Screechin' Eagle was actually the second home for this roller coaster, having originally opened in 1928 at Moxahala Amusement Park.

Sad to see this roller coaster wasn't able to survive past the park's closure.

📷 Alfred Freeman | c. 1970

#rollercoasters #ohio #defunctcoasters #woodencoaster #themeparks

Last updated 1 year ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
157 followers · 334 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Texas Tornado was a Schwarzkopf looping roller coaster that operated at @SixFlags Astroworld from 1998 to 2000.

This coaster was a rare find in North America - these rides were mostly sold in Europe as a traveling roller coaster for fairs and carnivals.

She was moved to @sixflagsDK as Zonga until 2004 before spending her last years in Mexico at Isla San Marcos Parque Tematico. She has since been scrapped.

📷 Joe Schwartz | c. 1998

#rollercoasters #sixflags #themeparks #defunctcoasters

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
151 followers · 298 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Happy Friday! Our newest episode is now live in your player. Listen as we head to @SFGrAdventure to take a look at Great American Scream Machine, their iconic Arrow looper that broke records when she opened in 1989.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
150 followers · 290 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Next Friday we launch a brand new episode about one of our favorite rides to hate at @SFGrAdventure - and we mean that with all the love in the world.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
148 followers · 276 posts · Server opencoaster.net

We're back with a brand new episode!

Join us as we head to Germany to look at Super Wirbel, the first Vekoma coaster ever made. This ride was the beginning of the end for Arrow Dynamics, and we discuss it all in this episode.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
147 followers · 269 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Earlier this year we hosted a episode on the infamous Scenic Railway at Luna Park. Here's Metropolis, a defunct Galaxi coaster that operated at the park from 1990 to 2012.

Galaxi SDC models are small and compact, making them the perfect fit for Luna Park.

📷 Martin Valt | c. 2012

#podcast #rollercoasters #coasters #themeparks #lunapark #defunctcoasters

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
147 followers · 256 posts · Server opencoaster.net

The Zippin Pippin was a John A. Miller designed wooden roller coaster that operated from 1923 to 2005 at Libertyland in Memphis, TN. The ride was formally known as just Pippin, but was slightly rethemed in 1975 to breathe new life into her.

A sign outside the entrance to the ride stated that this was Elvis's favorite ride.

📷 Eric Sakowski | c. 2000

#rollercoaster #themeparks #defunctcoasters #elvis #coasters #woodencoaster #memphis #tennessee

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
146 followers · 249 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Beach Coaster was a John A. Miller designed roller coaster that operated at Coaster Park in Jacksonville Beach Florida from 1928 to 1949. The ride featured short cars of only 6 rows to allow for better handling of the twists and turns built into the ride.

📷 Beachese Museum | c. 1940s

#rollercoasters #coasters #woodencoaster #themeparks #defunctcoasters

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
146 followers · 247 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Jumbo Jet was a Schwarzkopf Jet Star coaster that operated at @cedarpoint from 1972 to 1978. The ride featured the classical Schwarzkopf spiral lift, which saved space for amusement parks looking to pack high thrills into a smaller space.

The roller coaster was located near the lake-side of the amusement park, in the area today located between and Windseeker.

📷 Larry Wasserman | c. 1976

#gatekeeper #rollercoasters #coasters #cedarpoint #themeparks #coasterenthusiasts #defunctcoasters

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
147 followers · 240 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Toboggan was a rare toboggan styled roller coaster that operated at Great Yarmouth Pleasure Beach in Norfolk, UK from 1993 to 2000. These older roller coasters are increasingly rare if not completely defunct and feature a vertical chain lift hill.

Have you ever ridden a toboggan roller coaster like this? I managed to snag a ride on one about eight years ago - it's a unique experience, and tons of fun.

📷 Steve Smith | c. 2009

#rollercoasters #defunctcoasters #coasters #toboggan #themeparks

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
145 followers · 223 posts · Server opencoaster.net

I have a theory that perform better when built next to the ocean. Must be all that salt air.

Skyways was a Galaxi S.D.C. model roller coaster that operated at Clarence Pier in Portsmouth, UK from 1980 until 2017. The original plan for Skyways was to disassemble and refurbish it in time to reopen in 2020, but.....that didn't happen.

📷 Ben Case | c. 2015

#rollercoasters #coasters #defunctcoasters #boardwalkcoasters #themeparks #uk #coasterenthusiasts

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
145 followers · 221 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Just two more days until our episode on at @KingsIslandPR drops into your podcasts player. It's a fun episode full of hotly debated arguments like, "Why don't we love flying coasters more?"

Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

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#firehawk #rollercoasters #themeparks #coasters #defunctcoasters #kingsisland #vekoma

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
145 followers · 217 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Jet Scream! was a Schwarzkopf looping star roller coaster that operated at @SixFlags St. Louis from 1981 to 1988. The ride featured one loop and reached top speeds of 48 MPH.

After removal from St. Louis, Jet Scream! was relocated to Astroworld where it continued to operate under the name Viper until the park's closure in 2005.

📷 Joe Maino | c. 1988

#rollercoasters #defunctcoasters #stlouis #astroworld #houston #schwarzkopf #coasters #coasterenthusiasts

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
142 followers · 214 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Next Friday our new episode goes live and it's a fun one.

Our favorite guest host is back with us to chat about the beloved Vekoma Flying Dutchman at @KingsIslandPR that said its goodbyes in 2018. We have a lot of fun in this episode, you won't want to miss it.

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Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
130 followers · 199 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Wild Mause was a wooden wild mouse coaster that operated at Holiday Park in Hassloch, Germany from 1971 to 1978.

Besides the unusual feature that it was made of wood, the roller coaster also has the rare distinction of burning down, cutting its life short.

📷 RCDB.com | c. Mid-1970s

#rollercoasters #themeparks #deutchland #germany #defunctcoasters

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
121 followers · 189 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Does anyone else miss Hypersonic XLC at @KingsDominionVA or am I the only one?

Hypersonic XLC was a Thrust Air Coaster designed by S&S Sansei Technologies. It operated from 2001 to 2007. As a prototype coaster it was a bit ahead of its time, which led to a lot of problems and breakdowns.

📸 rcdb.com | c. 2001

#rollercoasters #coasters #themeparks #themepark #kingsdominion #defunctcoasters

Last updated 2 years ago

Once Upon a Coaster · @onceuponacoaster
121 followers · 183 posts · Server opencoaster.net

Mountain Coaster was an out-and-back wooden roller coaster designed by famed roller coaster designer Herbert Schmeck and the Philadelphia Toboggan Company. The ride opened in 1929 at Mountain Park in Holyoke, Massachusetts and continued to operate until the park's closure in 1987. The coaster would exist as SBNO until 1988 when it was finally demolished.

📸 Erik Sakowski | c. 1986

#rollercoasters #themeparks #defunctparks #defunctcoasters #massachusetts #ma #themepark #coasters

Last updated 2 years ago