From @theonion: Conservatives Explain Why #Libraries Should Be #Defunded
"You can’t have a place where people can just walk in and get a book as easily as a gun."
The nazi-joke-goverment has started to undermine the work Sanna Marin and her government made for climate action on municipal level. Opposition parties and municipal officials are baffled by this, as the savings achieved are minimal and the law had only put into operation and was really popular. #ClimateEmegency #naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #finland #climateDelay #climateDenialism #climateAction #defunded
#climateemegency #nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #finland #ClimateDelay #climatedenialism #climateaction #defunded
It is common ground that the #bbc has published #transphobic material and that this ought to cease. Defining a large and rather diverse organisation as a transphobic group would take us down a dangerous road - certainly one I would hesitate to take. Knee jerk reactions tend to backfire wherever they come from. I just would prefer to see a #bbc which could no longer be called transphobic rather than see it #defunded and replaced by #GBnews and others.
#bbc #transphobic #defunded #gbnews
here's a video of intrepid #TruthTeller and #InvestigativeJournalist #NancyRommelmann confidently stating in 2020 that #PortlandPolice had already been #defunded by 50% for five years at that point
in reality, their budget had ballooned from 183M to 231M since 2015.
I'm sure this was just an innocent mistake, and not far-right disinformation / propaganda.
#truthteller #investigativeJournalist #nancyrommelmann #PortlandPolice #defunded
@dwnews_bot the problem is that the #Netherlands didn't #decriminalize all #drugs and espechally the remaining #EU & #EFTA sticks to bs. #prohibitions - regardless if drugs or guns.
Cuz #OrganizedCrime gets destroyed if #defunded - and that works best if the overhead of illegal operations isn't profitable due to #legal competition.
That's why you don't find any "underground breweries" in Germany: Cuz beer is legal and cheap.
#legal #defunded #organizedcrime #prohibitions #efta #EU #drugs #decriminalize #Netherlands
I've come a long way from the naive little 10 yr old, who was brainwashed by colonial educational institutes to believe RCMP were heroes. That changed in 90s when first facing off against RCMP at logging blockades & after learning about their genocidal Indian agent & corporate mercenary(HBC) beginnings(which they haven't strayed from much).
Now, I want to see #RCMPCIRG #disbanded & rest of them #defunded & a real citizens' oversight committee w/enforcement teeth for unlawful actions by #RCMP.
#rcmpcirg #disbanded #defunded #rcmp Interesting to note that #RichardSharp, #BBC #Chair, a #Conservative #donor, calls for “less #liberal bias” and backed #Brexit. Just at a time when the country appears to be waking up to the consequences of 12 years of a #populist Conservative govt which has #defunded and greatly #damaged #publicservice+brought us Brexit. Let’s hope that this steerage of the #BBC,a great and unique #British #publicservicebroadcasting #institution, a does not find itself behind the times.
#RichardSharp #bbc #chair #Conservative #donor #liberal #brexit #populist #defunded #damaged #publicservice #british #publicservicebroadcasting #Institution
The Patmos library was defunded by Michigan residents because its staff refused to remove its small LGBTQ+ collection.
#libraries #defunded #lgbtq #freedomunderfire
The #Canadian Broadcasting Corporation ( #CBC ) Gets $1.4 Billion tax dollars per year to put on Propaganda content that hates whites, #Christians, and men. They promote Radical #Islam and #Pedophelia often.
They Must be #Defunded!
#defunded #Pedophelia #islam #christians #cbc #canadian
"Some of Zuirch's peers in the global insurance industry are also taking note, as eight companies now have policies that limit or end insurance coverage for tar sands," said Sulakshana. "It's way past time for Liberty Mutual and Chubb to follow suit." ‒ #zurich #environment #trans_mountain #defunded #abpoli
#trans_mountain #zurich #environment #defunded #abpoli