In her interview with Amy, Ravi explains that her #arrest is just one example in a country that has effectively #criminalizingDissent. Indian officials have raided #nonprofits that oppose the country’s #coalmines, blocked #environmental websites, and criminally charged #journalists covering the 2021 farmer #protests.
#TragedyOfEnclosure #WhoseHiStory #PriveledgeWitness #defundthepolice #PublishingIsntACrime
#Arrest #criminalizingdissent #nonprofits #coalmines #environmental #journalists #protests #tragedyofenclosure #whosehistory #priveledgewitness #defundthepolice #publishingisntacrime
"In 2016, Marlett was suspended from the force without pay after he was accused of beating his girlfriend's 3-year-old child unconscious."
WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK? He was just suspended???????
Fry this fucking pig, please. #ACAB #DefundThePolice
PG #police investigate viral video that appears to show uniformed officer enter vehicle with female
#acab #defundthepolice #police
@EricLawton @StillIRise1963 @philip_cardella All I'm saying is this, if Dems run with the #DefundThePolice CRAP, then I'm voting for Trump. 😐
china is a surveillance state, cant believe ppl live there
#ACAB #DefundThePolice
most cities spend 40% of their budget on cops, plus federal/state grants, its a great grift.
#ACAB #DefundThePolice
Bei @copwatch_le findet ihr einen älteren Thread zum autoritären Charakter der #Polizei.
Dort heißt es: "Bei der symbolischen Blockade des Flughafens LEJ (Halle/Leipzig) im Juli 2021 gab es einen Polizeieinsatz, der mit einer offensichtlichen Missachtung des Versammlungsrechts begann, sich mit falschen Darstellung in Pressemitteilungen zu rechtfertigen versuchte und mit langem Gewahrsam für junge Klimaaktivist:innen endete, wobei auch Handlungen vorgenommen wurden, die als Folter bezeichnet werden können."
Dieses Vorgehen fand sich fast 1 zu 1 beim Leipziger Kessel wieder. Ebenso die #Straffreiheit für Polizist*innen. Nix gelernt also, vmtl aber auch zu viel erwartet von CDU-Innenministern
#abolishthepolice #defundthepolice #keinfreundkeinehelferin #nojusticenopeace #Dresden #Sachsen #polizeiproblem
#polizei #Straffreiheit #abolishthepolice #defundthepolice #keinfreundkeinehelferin #nojusticenopeace #dresden #sachsen #polizeiproblem
One of the common tricks of newspaper editors is to bury the crucial point of the story that undermines the entire framing of the article, and only mention it in the last section.
#news #decriminalization #drugPolicy #defundThePolice (1/6) 🧵
#news #decriminalization #DrugPolicy #defundthepolice
Something I find missing in the #DefundThePolice discussion (terrible name for the movement, I must say once again) is that the police provides one service that I find difficult to replace: investigative power.
The work that detectives do in conjunction with the DA’s office to investigate crime, especially organized or “ad-hoc organized” crime like catalytic converter theft rings or neighborhood-looting flash mobs, is valuable. They infiltrate and break up organizations, which can often fix systemic problems in neighborhoods where these crime rings operate.
While I’m 100% for putting resources into social good rather than more cops, I find myself wondering where investigative power should lie. Should criminal investigations be placed entirely under a DA’s office, and separate investigative police from “regular” police?
most of cops time is spent harassing ppl and whats left goes to committing fraud/theft.
cops commit more crimes than they stop/solve. #acab #DefundThePolice #AbolishThePolice
#acab #defundthepolice #abolishthepolice
Cops consistently lie. Stop printing what they say without asking any questions.
A lot of crime reporting, especially the “Action News” format, is paraphrasing police reports into paragraphs.
We know cops lie consistently on those reports, to people’s faces, and even under oath. It is irresponsible at best to just print their word as news.
#journalism #news #acab #defundthepolice
Reposts of strips from the book collection most weekdays. New strips every Sunday.
#dilbert #scottadams #parody #trump #satire #webcomic #comic #defundthepolice
#dilbert #scottadams #parody #trump #satire #webcomic #comic #defundthepolice
Reposts of strips from the book collection most weekdays. New strips every Sunday.
#dilbert #scottadams #parody #trump #satire #webcomic #comic #defundthepolice
#dilbert #scottadams #parody #trump #satire #webcomic #comic #defundthepolice
I have a friend who thinks #DefundThePolice is a bad message. It is both confusing and puts people’s backs up. My new counter to this is that Trump can understand and use it, so clearly no.
"putting a gun in a persons mouth and telling them to stop stealing, isnt a crime, its a public service" -from recorded convos with cops under investigation
cops commit as many crimes as they stop/solve
#ACAB #DefundThePolice
The most likely cause of another Andrew Malkinson type travesty of justice is surely the defunding of the public legal system and the increased funding of the police? How can you increase police funding while stripping the legal system to the bone? There's no counterbalance to corrupt police forces framing people to improve clear up rates (I'm assuming that was their motivation). Yet that's exactly what this government has done. #AndrewMalkinson #DefundThePolice
#andrewmalkinson #defundthepolice
'if you dont have cops, who will saveresi!?!?! Anarchy will reign if we stand down..."
yeah, not so much. i know of at least 5 times in the last 5yrs this has happened, and the towns somehow survive. In 2 of those cases, the towns never hired the cops back and reinvested in themselves. i live in everlasting hope we figure out this police state nonsense in the next few years, cause if we dont, that gang will be in charge of every city in america #ACAB #DefundThePolice
"Eine Gesellschaft ohne Cops ist möglich! #DefundThePolice"
Die Polizei gehört abgeschafft und dass war deutlich durch alle Redebeiträge zu hören.
#justice4mouhamed #defundthepolice