Dr. Richard MacKinnon · @macpsych
195 followers · 254 posts · Server mastodon.social

One more webinar to run this afternoon, then it's time to wrap up for today.

And it's about my favourite topic: - or, learning how to see your thoughts for what they are - not what they *say* they are.

It's one of the key skills involved in becoming more psychologically flexible and able to overcome the obstacles we encounter in everyday life.


Last updated 2 years ago

Josephine · @Josephine
25 followers · 316 posts · Server mstdn.social


RT @contextconsult@twitter.com

The magic wand question with an ACT twist to help promote:
✨acceptance of experiences
✨defusion from thoughts
✨perspective taking
✨observational distance from internal content

🐦🔗: twitter.com/contextconsult/sta

#miraclequestion #defusion #acceptance #psychologicalflexibility #outsideofthebox #poof #magicwand

Last updated 2 years ago