Song of the Day February 22 2023
Song of the Day - In honor of the birth of Maria Lea Carmen Imutan Salonga aka Lea Salonga
Lea Salonga - “Defying Gravity” (At Lytham Festival 2017)
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #February22 #MariaLeaCarmenImutanSalonga #LeaSalonga #DefyingGravity #Wicked #Broadway #CoverSong #Elphaba #TheWizardOfOz #Lytham #LythamFestival
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #february22 #leasalonga #defyinggravity #wicked #broadway #coversong #elphaba #thewizardofoz #lytham #lythamfestival #marialeacarmenimutansalonga
Every time I see the Gravity Falls tag, I keep going "Huh, that's a lot of attention & love still for a 2009 13-episode one season #scifi series".
#DefyingGravity name never remembered by me, and since I only remembered "That dark chick, not in Riddick after all I see, gah, do I have to find it thru the blonde I hated in TR2070 then?" for clues how to find it....
Welcome to this toot post all that.
And #ChristinaCox IS in #ChroniclesOfRiddick, so boo Google some more.
#scifi #defyinggravity #christinacox #chroniclesofriddick
Playing around with depth of field, and by the powers of my mind, I managed to get this stone to levitate.
#photography #defyinggravity #spooky