Well this thread went in a direction I didn't expect. I'm not a #geomagnetism or indeed #geodesy specialist and the mechanism for #PolarWander proposed sounds implausible but not impossible.
Would be interested to hear what those who know more about this think though...
My suspicion would be that #deglaciation now is rather too small compared to vast changes in past but what do you think @pa1ejo ?
#deglaciation #polarwander #geodesy #geomagnetism
A full on #Rutgers lineup here at the Indian & Southern Ocean (paleo)circulation session in S403b. First, Jim Wright provides a fresh (first?) look into Argentine drift sediments and the insights they hold regarding Neogene glaciation.
Now: Liz Sykes talks about the history of δ¹³C in the southeastern Indian Ocean and its implications for deglacial carbon change.
Take Home MEssage: Differential δ¹³C histories of proximal cores
#rutgers #deglaciation #glaciation #paleoceanography #agu22
A global temperature rise of 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) above current levels would be enough to start the thawing of #permafrost in #Siberia, according to one group of scientists. #Arctic #methane release is the release of methane from seas and soils in permafrost regions of the Arctic, due to #deglaciation.
#permafrost #siberia #arctic #methane #deglaciation