I'm no longer sure who it was on here, but some one recommended organic maps app as a privacy friendly alternative to Google maps, built on #openstreetmaps I've been trying it out the last 3 days and it is really brilliant. So 🙏 to whoever it was.
#degooglify #degoogle #organicMaps #privacy #openstreetmaps
@hamishcampbell ERM...
Does that link really say what I think it says?
It's interesting to look back at the errors we all historically made.
#degooglify your life!
#SelfHost where possible.
Boycott #corpware everywhere.
Be #PropSoftFree For a brighter future for All.
#degooglify #floss #selfhost #corpware #PropsoftFree
Mastodon is my go-to place for tech advice (supplemented by personal research), so...
What are #EndToEndEncryption options for cloud storage? I'm starting actually backing up my data locally, but obviously local-only has risks.
Cloud storage makes sense—except for the bit where third-parties now have my data, and it can be stolen or shared with others. So what can I do for (relatively) secure remote storage?
If I'm going to #DeGooglify, I obviously have to get my stuff off Google Drive
#endtoendencryption #degooglify #e2ee
Fan of #horror movies, especially #IndieHorror (I'm looking at you, #A24 ) & #ttrpgs.
Newly interested in #FOSS and trying to #DeGooglify.
Also (I have to say it) #EatTheRich
I'm not super spiritual, but I love a good #Tarot deck
#Hereditary #Midsommar #BlackcoatsDaughter #TheBabadook #TheEndless #ResolutionMovie #FoundFootage3D
#DnD5e #FateRPG #Wanderhome #MicroscopeRPG #FateCore
#SchittsCreek #TheGoodPlace #Severance #CabinetOfCuriosities #BobsBurgers
#introduction #horror #indiehorror #a24 #ttrpgs #foss #degooglify #EatTheRich #tarot #hereditary #midsommar #blackcoatsdaughter #thebabadook #theendless #resolutionmovie #foundfootage3d #dnd5e #faterpg #wanderhome #microscoperpg #fatecore #SchittsCreek #thegoodplace #severance #cabinetofcuriosities #bobsburgers
Oh...related question. Can anyone tell me about #LineageOS or other #AndroidROMs that could free me from Google?
#lineageos #androidroms #foss #opensource #degooglify
Decided to treat myself to a paid subscription. To what, you may ask? A search engine! I refuse to be the product, so https://kagi.com is now my new information provider.
#dontbetheproduct #degooglify #ungooglify
I'm looking for an alternative to #google-photos so I can keep syncing and sharing them, suggestions welcome #degooglify
#fediverse #degooglify #degooglifying #opensource & #freesoftware do you believe this?
** Please note that deleting your Google account will result in deletion of all the data and content in that account, like emails, files, calendars, photos, etc.**
#fediverse #degooglify #degooglifying #opensource #freesoftware
Sou um utilizador intensivo das aplicações da Google. Decidi (tentar) começar a utilizar cada vez mais alternativas no meu dia a dia:
.Lineage OS 18.1
.Standard Notes
.Google Fotos
.Telefone (APP padrão do LOS)
.Câmara (APP padrão da MIUI)
Screenshot (01/05/2022 13:19:45)
Is anyone else fighting with Google about the "associated country"? I noticed Google started moving people's accounts away from GDPR and they don't care what you or your citizenship status have to say about that. They just move your personal info to other country and say that now the terms of the services are governed by other laws. Is this illegal? It must be, right?
#degooglify #degoogle #ungoogle
Ditching #YouTube: The Smart Move
#degooglify #betheflow #DontBeAVictim
#youtube #degooglify #betheflow #DontBeAVictim
Just point to #git https://github.com/lbryio/lbry-android/releases +/or #fdroid https://f-droid.org/packages/io.lbry.browser
Yet another reason to #degooglify your life! @librecomms
[EN] Just donated a modest amount to @peertube
I support PeerTube and really wish to see the project develop to its full potential, according the desires of its authors, in the interest of all!
Go Peertube!
[FR] Je viens de faire don d'un montant modeste à #Peertube
Je soutiens Peertube et souhaite vraiment voir le projet se développer à son plein potentiel, selon les envies des auteurs, dans l'intérêt de tous!
#peertube #gopeertube #degooglify #fuckoffgoogle
@jamey As a user, I am the opposite. I use them for blog posts and only need to see future blog posts. The past ones I looked at to decide whether I wanted to subscribe. Should just get a real reader. #deGooglify
To avoid any confusion about which services are to be maintained, restricted or closed, we have produced a new visualization to read and share! (please retoot)
If you want to know more, please read our blog-post (in English) here https://framablog.org/2019/09/26/lets-de-frama-tify-the-internet/
(thanks to @maiwann for her work <3! ) #TootOuRien #Degooglify #Framasoft #Framapiaf #Services #CHATONS... and still #nodrama
#deframatifytheinternet #tootourien #degooglify #framasoft #framapiaf #services #chatons #nodrama
Do you know what happens after you disable "Google Play services" app?
It starts throwing notifications every 5 seconds that your phone will not work unless you enable Google Play services
Everything else on the phone still works
Do you know what happens after you disable automatic updates of google apps in Play Store?
All google apps start downloading an update