Gregory B Sadler · @GregSadler
727 followers · 1376 posts · Server

Here's the next core concept video in the set on Thomas Aquinas' "five ways". This fourth one presents an argument based on degrees of being (and goodness, truth, nobility. . . and heat)

#god #degrees #Causality #argument #fiveways #aquinas #thomas #video

Last updated 1 year ago

M van Appeven · @MAppeven
42 followers · 1903 posts · Server
Trish · @NKVSSP
5 followers · 195 posts · Server
Bibliolater 📚📜🖋📐 · @bibliolater
288 followers · 1100 posts · Server

@Fitnessfoundry It really depends what one wants to do with their life in terms of a career. Would anyone want to be treated by a cardio-thoracic surgeon who did not have the appropriate medical degrees? Although are not essential for success in life they are important milestones for some professions.

#degrees #education #careers

Last updated 1 year ago

Hacker News · @ycombinator
7 followers · 1093 posts · Server
steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
219 followers · 7338 posts · Server
dustcircle · @dustcircle
4 followers · 342 posts · Server
Michael Shank · @shank
104 followers · 272 posts · Server

Careful, The Economist. Given that we still haven’t figured out how to peacefully as a society, in the are essential. You call them “useless ” in your article. But in many ways they’re the most valuable as they’re working to keep us alive.

#coexist #degrees #socialsciences #studies

Last updated 2 years ago

Roxbury · @my_roxbury
46 followers · 97 posts · Server

Loving this #86 in

#degrees #weather #roxburyma

Last updated 2 years ago

Eduard Roccatello · @mastershadow
10 followers · 29 posts · Server

Use the toolbox to create a map without any effort by only using a digital model of the alps and the tools. Learn how to create a slope raster with both and as values.

#dtm #tutorial #gis #data #percentage #degrees #qgis #terrain #slope #processing

Last updated 2 years ago

My darker side · @mydarkerside
59 followers · 107 posts · Server

I see a lot of inequality here.

Men should be paid equally for their sexual work. If the market does not allow for it, them female sex workers should share part of their earnings with their fellow underpaid male sexual workers.

#bitches #with #degrees

Last updated 2 years ago

@totalclaireity probably best not to think you are in finding petty mods.

Remember no mods are , yet. Most were something else a couple months ago. Now they still are that, but are also stuff many either know about or have their own which are applied to your stuff and doing that shit daily for teens of thousands of posts.

A will apply their own view to your stuff with varying of . Aus dot social being an example of the untrained eye passed over stuff they don't understand and making a to the stuff without any real method of in truth.

PosiPost for the , you couldn't pay me enough to be a fkn mod. Posts like this just being an example. IMHO of course.

Also, "main account" is probably not a great look as an advertising position on the

Have nice day..

#robinsoncrusoe #trained #reading #nothing #opinions #volunteer #mod #degrees #success #excellent #decision #remove #appeal #mods #fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

Kris Olds · @KrisOlds
422 followers · 158 posts · Server

Not surprising but interesting nonetheless: UW-Madison's
fastest growing majors The top 5/10: No. 1: Data Science (+914 since inception in 2019); No. 2: Computer Sciences (+642); No. 3: Consumer Behavior and Marketplace Studies (+410 over the previous Retailing and Consumer Behavior major); No. 4: Psychology (+363); No. 5: Global Health (+357 since inception in 2019).

#uwmadison #highered #universities #degrees #majors #wisconsin

Last updated 2 years ago

Dezene Huber 🌻 · @dezene
761 followers · 882 posts · Server

is a vital part of the in and beyond. Its courses often help complete at other institutions in a timely fashion, and provide access to less-traditional students who may not be able to attend a brick-and-mortar institution.

This ongoing chaos is a disaster.

"Athabasca University board fires president who fought government on staff relocations"

#athabasca #University #postsecondary #ecosystem #western #canada #online #students #degrees #educational #alberta

Last updated 2 years ago

Petrichor · @sinabhfuil
668 followers · 3528 posts · Server
Mat Simpson · @profmjsimpson
59 followers · 177 posts · Server


Congratulations to the 150 and students completing their this year. We celebrated at a special ceremony last night - we can’t wait to see what you do next.


#qutalumni #qutgraduate #degrees #torresstraitislander #aboriginal

Last updated 2 years ago

Laurie · @ottolaurie6
58 followers · 189 posts · Server

@GregRose @GregRose it’s 32 (feels like 28!). will warm up in the water!

#degrees #surfers

Last updated 2 years ago

Maricela Potoc :javascript: · @maricela
108 followers · 54 posts · Server


hits 127 , setting for HOTTEST day on the

Sure, it was hot across the region, but was it Death Valley hot?

The national park, famous for being one of the hottest places on the planet, set a new record for the hottest September day anywhere on the planet when its thermometer hit 127 degrees on Thursday.

While the heat may send people seeking shade at a, say, a Los Angeles-area , it actually draws the to Death Valley, where scorching temperatures can sometimes surprise them.

"The ground heats up, we've measured temperatures of 201 as far as ground temperatures. The ground is then radiating heat back up into the air," Death Valley National Park spokeswoman Abby Wines said.

But the heat wave is just in its third day Friday, and is expected to last through Labor Day, so setting another record is still a possibility. However, it's unlikely the park will break the record for the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth – 134 degrees recorded in Death Valley on July 10, 1913.

The record-breaking heat comes less than a month after monsoon rain caused flash flooding in Death Valley National Park, severely damaging several roads.

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#INTERNATONAL_TECH_NEWS #Death_Valley #degrees #record #September #planet #los_angeles #Furnace_Creek #golf_course #tourists

Last updated 2 years ago