Ecological Transition? Energy Transition? A great piece to know what we are really talking about, by ecosocialist philosopher Jorge Riechmann
#Energy #Collapse #Degrowth #Postgrowth #EnergyTransition #ClimateChaos
#energy #collapse #degrowth #postgrowth #energytransition #climatechaos
New Candidate for U.S. President Wants to Shrink Economy
Gardner promises to launch a "National Project to Get the U.S. Out of Ecological Overshoot." He explains ecological overshoot means people are demanding more from Earth than she can sustainably provide year after year, and the people of the U.S. are demanding more than their share. Dave Gardner warns, "Continued business as usual will result in a dead planet."
#potus #USA #degrowth #overshoot
This is your personal invitation to discuss the draft of the Nua-Celtic Manifesto with me on
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean
it's #NoDAPL all over again, except for lithium.
L'auto électrique individuelle à moteur électrique ou thermique est une aberration et le tout-électrique proposé comme solution est une façon de conserver le statu quo de la croissance intenable... (et les structures de pouvoir sous-jacentes)
"Wir brauchen weniger Autos."
Wie bitte?
Klar: "Der Wechsel zum Elektromotor reicht nicht aus für die #Verkehrswende/#Mobilitätswende. Die Zahl von 50 Millionen Pkws muss deutlich reduziert werden."
Mist. Haben die #Degrowth.ers schon wieder Recht.!5956426/
This is your personal invitation to discuss the draft of the Nua-Celtic Manifesto with me on
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean
#Resilience: Carlos Taibo, an #economist from Madrid, who defines the demands for #degrowth as “endless precise fields such as #health and %education, the rural world and #tradeunionism, #cities and #migrations.”
#sufficiency #sharing #subsidiarity
#resilience #economist #degrowth #health #tradeunionism #cities #migrations #sufficiency #sharing #subsidiarity
Rural agrarian and indigenous society have their own solution to fix the medication problem even without big industry, scaling up the industry is more way an urbanist problem.
Sure, scaling up the industry is important for today because every disease mostly come from the current society we have. But growth for the sake of the growth itself is merely just a justification that everything must be collectivist that can lead into totalitarianism.
This is my takes about #degrowth.
Spending Sunday in Vienna Botanical Garden: with squirrels & trees & herbs & other plants … wonderful intermezzo in the train travel! #Nature #NightJet #LikaLodge #DeGrowth
#nature #nightjet #LikaLodge #degrowth
Focusing on concrete objects is a great way to reflect on our economy, colonialism, commodification, vulnerability, planetary boundaries.
#degrowth #SupplyChains #climate #pollution #repair
#repair #Pollution #Climate #supplychains #degrowth
I really enjoyed our event, "Pulling Things Apart" today. With our friends from Stiched-Up.
We explored the nature of manufactured goods, their materials, manufacture and fate.
Focusing on concrete objects is a great way to reflect on our economy, colonialism, commodification, vulnerability, planetary boundaries.
#degrowth #SupplyChains #climate #pollution #repair
#repair #Pollution #Climate #supplychains #degrowth
Ich hatte schon einmal von #Solarpunk gehört und auch ein paar Bilder gesehen, nun habe ich durch ein Video aber auch mal mehr dazu erfahren und muss echt sagen:
Das ist ein #Zukunftsbild, welches ich echt unterstĂĽtze.
Weg vom GDP als das MaĂź der Dinge und damit #Degrowth. Dadurch auch weg von all den Begleiterscheinungen, von Monokulturen, von Marktwirtschaft als Allheilmittel usw.
Wer auch noch nicht so viel davon kennt und Englisch kann:
#solarpunk #zukunftsbild #degrowth #klimakrise #vision #hoffnung
WARNING: The #pressDotCoop is served by #Amazon and is reviving centuries old #yellowPeril in the hopes of stirring a #racistWar with #China, to serve militaryIndustry and help the reduce population-levels quickly.
We need to seriously consider #fediBlock. This kind of garbage #dogwhistling needs to end. We need sensible voices talking about #degrowth, not this #interventionist tripe.
#pressdotcoop #amazon #YellowPeril #racistwar #china #fediblock #dogwhistling #degrowth #interventionist
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean #CoporateGreed
Autonomie und Solidarität: "If You’ve Got a New Car, It’s …" -
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean #CoporateGreed
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean #CoporateGreed
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean #CoporateGreed
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean #CoporateGreed
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean #CoporateGreed
@aarneg @Ruth_Mottram Living a #degrowth lifestyle is by default low-carbon, and also helps, with financial, psychological, and physical anxiety.
1. Refuse to buy anything non-essential. Buy reusable/one-time purchases as much as possible.
2. Reduce your essentials to buying only as needed and/or when items are deeply discounted.
Low-carbon corollary: Buy hyper-local as much as you can.
3. Reuse what you already have.
4. Recycle what you cannot reuse.
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy and #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries🙏
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateEmergency #ClimateJustice #MotherEarth #LifesBetterWithTrees #ClimateCrisis #CapitalismKills #TaxTheRich #MakePollutersPay
#BetterWithForests #ClimateActionNow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #endfossilfuels #Boycott4Wildlife #SaveTheOcean #CoporateGreed
#degrowth #DonutEconomy #systemchange #conviviality #CaringEconomy #Partnerism #planetboundaries #fridaysforfuture #climateemergency #ClimateJustice #motherearth #LifesBetterWithTrees #climatecrisis #capitalismkills #taxtherich #MakePollutersPay #BetterWithForests #climateactionnow #greedflation #ecocide #stopoil #EndFossilFuels #Boycott4Wildlife #savetheocean #CoporateGreed
Dass die Aktion #switchoff auch den Personenverkehr betroffen hat, ist bedauerlich - und zugegeben auf den ersten Blick schwer vermittelbar. Und imho auch nicht umfassend kommuniziert. Gemeint war die DB u.a. mit ihren Waffentransporten, deren Beteiligung an #trenmaya, die HHLA als groĂźer Hafen-Umschlagplatz lebensfeindlicher Technologien. #degrowth #capitalismkills.
Dass Scholz in seiner Zeit als BĂĽrgermeister den Hamburger Hafen auch als Waffenumschlagplatz hochhielt, ist bekannt.
#switchoff! :anarchism: 🏴 :anarchoheart3:
#switchoff #trenmaya #degrowth #capitalismkills
Dass die Aktion #switchoff auch den Personenverkehr betroffen hat, ist bedauerlich - und zugegeben auf den ersten Blick schwer vermittelbar. Und imho auch nicht umfassend kommuniziert. Gemeint war die DB mit ihren Waffentransporten, deren Beteiligung an #trenmaya, die HHLA als groĂźer Hafen-Umschlagplatz lebensfeindlicher Technologien. #degrowth #capitalismkills.
Solange der BuKa, ehemals unbeliebter wie korrupter OBB der Hansestadt, sein Mäntelchen über Waffentransporteure (auch in Krisenregionen) agieren lässt, wird da kein Friede, sondern der Kampf gegen diese Schieber intensiviert.
#switchoff! :anarchism: 🏴 :anarchoheart3:
#switchoff #trenmaya #degrowth #capitalismkills