Using the En-ROADS simulator I have modelled a scenario close to this, link below.
Many detailed settings have been adjusted. You can click the blue tripled dots to see them. No model assumption have been changed.
Within the parameter limits available I have applied the maximum rates of tax and fossil fuel phase out, maximum afforestation / minimum deforestation and maximum land use improvements, transition to far lower animal diets, plus and other methane and GHG reductions.
The scenario generates a net $170tn in tax revenue over subsidies which would mostly come from the Global North (GN). This comes from the carbon and FF taxes, and after the transition to renewables is almost complete a $0.01/KWh tax on renewables and nuclear generates the rest.
In the model it is not possible to transfer this for the benefit of the developing nations, but the effect would be to reduce GN GDP/Capita growth and increase that of the GS.
Temperature rise starts to reduce within a few years, +1.0C in 2100 and falling. Atmospheric CO2 is 350ppm in 2100 and falling.
The price to pay for this? Energy costs rise rapidly by a factor of five. There is no free way out of the hole we are in, of course.
#EnROADS #ClimateCrisis #AntiColonialism #Degrpwth #Renewables #CarbonTax #ClimateJustice
#EnROADS #ClimateCrisis #anticolonialism #degrpwth #renewables #carbontax #ClimateJustice