Trying to make some #dehydrated food for camping.
Instructions on the internet say to do it at 145 degrees. My oven will only let me set it's temperature to a minimum of 170.
But it has a feature to manually calibrate the temperature sensor... So I set that to -25 and now 170 should be the right temperature :)
Monitoring oven temperature with a meat thermometer it's not quite right, but can be adjusted to be close enough.
Warum kein #LetsEncrypt mit #Cerbot und/oder #Dehydrated und Eintrag in die #Crontab ?
#letsencrypt #cerbot #dehydrated #crontab
My 2 jars of homemade salted plums.
A Chinese tea cup is beside them - for scale.
#AsianMastodon #Chinese #Teochew #Fermented #PreservedFood #SaltedPlums #CulturalFoods #AsianFoods #ChineseFoods #POCfoods #FoodPreservation #TraditionalFood #AncientFoodPreservation #homemade #dehydrated #FoodSecurity #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #SelfSuffiency #gaginang
#gaginang #foodsecurity #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #selfsuffiency #asianmastodon #chinese #teochew #fermented #preservedfood #saltedplums #culturalfoods #asianfoods #chinesefoods #pocfoods #foodpreservation #traditionalfood #ancientfoodpreservation #homemade #dehydrated
Who wants some dehydrated water? I'm sure it's quite refreshing! :3
#silly #dehydrated #water #novelty
🥥 Turned out it was the #universe telling me that I was #dehydrated. Stay safe out there in these triple-digit days.
Especially you old coots like me.
Did I ever finish telling you the story of how we kept an onion in our belts... 🥥
My first batch of #fermented #SourPlums is done & jarred. There's over 300 in this jar. Starting next batch in 2 weeks, with some of my yellow #plums this time. Preserved with simple coarse salt & cane sugar.
#AsianMastodon #SaltedPlums #Fermenting #FoodPreservation #dehydrated #FruitPreservation #Teochew #Chinese #CulturalFoods #ChineseSnacks #DriedSaltedPlums #TraditionalFoods #AncientFoods #FoodSecurity #SelfSufficiency #homemade #DehydratingWithSunPower #SolarDehydration #SaltySour
#fermented #sourplums #plums #asianmastodon #saltedplums #fermenting #foodpreservation #dehydrated #fruitpreservation #teochew #chinese #culturalfoods #chinesesnacks #driedsaltedplums #traditionalfoods #ancientfoods #foodsecurity #selfsufficiency #homemade #dehydratingwithsunpower #solardehydration #saltysour
Suffering from frequent #toecramps? You could be #dehydrated #foothealth #painrelief
#toecramps #dehydrated #foothealth #painrelief
I felt very very weird but I just drank a ton of water and feel better. Stay hydrated folks! I think I had heat stroke or something last week and I am not quite recovered. #water #heatexhaustion #summer #heatstroke #dehydrated #hydration
#water #heatexhaustion #summer #heatstroke #dehydrated #hydration
Just this week, I ran out of #dehydrated #limes. Fortunately, just this week, my lime tree started shedding ripe fruits. I'll be firing up the #dehydrator again before I know it.
#dehydrated #limes #dehydrator
I'm processing assorted #dried #citrus peels this morning. Grinding some up. Breaking others into small pieces for easier, longterm pantry storage in airtight containers.
#AsianMastodon #Teochew #Chinese #MakeYourOwn #FoodSecurity #SelfSufficiency #dehydrated #DriedFood #Useful #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #AllNatural #AirDried #FrugalLiving #SimpleGoodLife #BackToBasics #SimpleGoodness #EasyToDo #CitrusFruit #FruitPeels #CitrusPeels
#dried #citrus #asianmastodon #teochew #chinese #makeyourown #foodsecurity #selfsufficiency #dehydrated #driedfood #useful #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #allnatural #airdried #frugalliving #simplegoodlife #backtobasics #simplegoodness #easytodo #citrusfruit #fruitpeels #citruspeels
@grin @sullybiker The main problem with #shell scripts is that they’re glue for other commands that may or may not be installed and may or may not be the same as those used by the author.
It’s why #dehydrated has so much logic detecting the installed flavor of awk, sed, grep, diff, et al. “Portable” shell is like portable #C—riddled with brittle environmental tests (thus begetting things like #GNU #Autotools).
Even #testssl admitted defeat and can run from a #Docker #container now.
#shell #dehydrated #c #gnu #autotools #testssl #docker #container
Movement to @beasts is complete 😁
Including movement of a #VPS & #DNS, and configuration of #Dehydrated via #Ansible 😀
#vps #dns #dehydrated #ansible
Adventures with commercial refried #beans (including #dehydrated ), and direct-charging #LiFePO4 with the #promaster #alternator
sidenote: this is the first blog entryu I did not also post on #birdsite
#beans #dehydrated #lifepo4 #promaster #alternator #birdsite
Check out my quick tutorial on a delicious #dehydrated #camping recipe for lightweight #trailmeals
#dehydrated #camping #trailmeals
Configurer pour produire des certificats #ECDSA pour #HAProxy, sans passer par un reload ou restart du service.
#https #ssl #tls #letsencrypt #haproxy #ecdsa #dehydrated
I am back baby! I started doing #dehydrated #MRE's back in 2014 for #Mountaineering . After a long break, I made a new pack for my emergency #bugout bag. 5 day worth of meal with fruits, desert and drinks for 2666 Gr. A reduction of ~2900Gr in total! All labeled and ready to be packed and hopefully only will be eaten in good times.🏕️
#bugout #mountaineering #mre #dehydrated
Dehydrated - "alive underground"
#metalmittwoch #deathmetal #femalefronted #dehydrated #russia
#russia #dehydrated #femalefronted #deathmetal #metalmittwoch