Hedgewizard · @Hedgewizard
64 followers · 684 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk


I could totally travel around the world with a laptop, posting demotivational memes and reviews about shit service, disappointing products and overrated attractions.

Introducing , the hidden attraction within Windsor where bins are apparently not emptied between July and September. It's a scream!

Not *quite* what this article means, but still - I could get behind it


#waspworld #legoland #deinfluence

Last updated 1 year ago

JohnW · @the_Effekt
810 followers · 6077 posts · Server universeodon.com

is a fairly new thing.

It uses Social Media (the platforms we know and kinda love) to anti-influence the influencers, or list products to avoid and boycott services.

This can be effective online activism against corporate greed, middlemen (choke point capitalism) like Spotify, Shopify, online art and music platforms, etc...

It fights back against the influencers who attempt to sell these products.

Spread the word!


#deinfluencing #deinfluence #corporategreed #chokepointcapitalism #freemarket

Last updated 1 year ago