@IrwinFletcher0 @TonyStark Be assured, if true, this "Republican" approach is for sure one of the most vile, insane & vicious plots to kill Americans I could ever think of.

#ruleoflaw #criminallynegligentmanslaughter #desantis #deinsanitis #killsamericans #DefendAmerica #savelives #removeron

Last updated 1 year ago

@TonyStark It's useful to know, that SCOTUS confirmed for the first time in Gitlow v. New York, that "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom... of the press..." also applies to states, through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment β€” which today's rebel "Republicans" would certainly love to see repealed.
So when DeSantis wants to gag the free press, SCOTUS should tell him to FO.

#ruleoflaw #freepress #freespeech #firstamendment #14thamendment #dueprocess #14thamendmentsection3 #desantis #deinsanitis #insurrection #rebellion #removeron

Last updated 1 year ago

@JLownlaw Individuals like DeSantis love to exploit the courts' broad, negligent interpretation of the First Amendment, while at the same time serially violating the First Amendment ("Congress shall make no law..." also applies to states => SCOTUS, Gitlow v. New York)

#ruleoflaw #JusticeMatters #democracy #freedom #freespeech #politics #florida #dicktator #deinsanitis #removeron #despotism #insurrection #rebellion #incitement

Last updated 1 year ago