I know Coach Prime is transforming Colorado Buffalo football, but now it looks like Deion Sanders is even getting into the water!
#Colorado #Buffaloes #football #collegefootball #CoachPrime #Sanders #DeionSanders #Deion #deionized #water #deionizedwater #funny #humor #CVS
#colorado #buffaloes #football #CollegeFootball #coachprime #sanders #deionsanders #deion #deionized #water #deionizedwater #funny #humor #cvs
Charles Barkley, Kevin Durant Make Big Donations To HBCUs | https://www.theroot.com/charles-barkley-kevin-durant-make-big-donations-to-hbc-1849886178 #historicallyblackcollegesanduniversities #sportsintheunitedstatesbystate #southwesternathleticconference #sportsintheunitedstates #jacksonstateuniversity #bowiestateuniversity #famercharlesbarkley #famerdeionsanders #baseballplayers #charlesbarkley #cityofjackson #deionsanders #kevindurant #basketball #football #sports #george #deion #bowie #nfl
#historicallyblackcollegesanduniversities #sportsintheunitedstatesbystate #southwesternathleticconference #sportsintheunitedstates #jacksonstateuniversity #bowiestateuniversity #famercharlesbarkley #famerdeionsanders #baseballplayers #charlesbarkley #cityofjackson #deionsanders #kevindurant #basketball #football #sports #george #deion #bowie #nfl
I remember when Bomani originally warned us this would happen.
#NCAA #Deion #DeionSanders
#HBCU #JacksonState
#Pac-12 #Colorado
ESPN’s Bomani Jones Slams Deion Sanders For Using An HBCU To Bolster His Own Career: ‘He Sold a Dream and Then Walked Out’
“What he did was something college coaches do all the time,” Jones added. “You have to sell people four-year, ten-year plans when your plan is one year at a time. That’s really the only way you can pull that off.”
#colorado #pac #jacksonstate #HBCU #deionsanders #deion #ncaa
#Deion Sanders took the #Colorado job? Ah yes, nepotism…now it makes sense.
#collegefootball #colorado #deion
RT @ktmoze@twitter.com
Deion Sanders on the Colorado Head Coach offer: "The report is true." @hbculegends@twitter.com #deion #CoachPrime