#Today I have snuffed out my misunderstanding that the #AWS #CloudPractitioner #Certification leads directly to entry-level AWS employment.
I will have to decide between taking the Architect, Administrator, or Developer Certification exams thereafter. *Then*, employment.
#Today #aws #cloudpractitioner #certification #delayedgratification #cloudgang
@pastyface @naominovik A great series, which I found engaging, to the extent that I’ve put off starting the final book for weeks. #delayedgratification Thank you @naominovik for transporting me to a different reality.
It was 5 yrs of obsessive experimentation that led to the accidental discovery & had been on scientist’s minds for decades before that
Ever the optimist, hope so too, but tend to always prepare for worst case scenario. Preventing transmission would be more likely than finding a cure..
Never ever did I think a #psych101 class taken at age 15 would be the most important class I’d ever take
We’re in an #irl #Mischel #marshmallow #delayedGratification
#psych101 #irl #mischel #marshmallow #delayedgratification
Looking for a smart human being who'll help me out with the Sexual Delay Discounting Task in PsychoPy. I'm stuck at the important part of it (creating routine that'd show the most rated stimulus in previous routine, to rate it) 🥲
#experimentalpsychology #psychology #psychopyexperiments #delayedgratification #PsychologyEducation #PythonExpert
#psychopy #experimentalpsychology #psychology #psychopyexperiments #delayedgratification #psychologyeducation #PythonExpert
I've a book on #mimeticdesire ordered I want to read and I'm left wondering whether the above filters what is and is not desired - where #instantgratification is observed it is fertile ground mimetic desire to occur, but where #delayedgratification occurs it is not.
If the resulting asymmetry of behavioural spread rates for delayed benefits and harms lead to asymmetrical outcomes then it may offer an explanation for why developed countries have incredible #inequality and resulting social harms.
#mimeticdesire #instantgratification #delayedgratification #inequality
@octothorpecast I guess that's my own fault for hoarding :-). I tend to delay listening to episodes from certain podcasts (inc you guys) as something to look forward to :-) #DelayedGratification
#Baby learns #DelayedGratification:
Our almost-9-month-old LOVES to eat with her spoon. (Even foods she she rejects will get a fair hearing from the spoon.)
For weeks, she would cry & scream when we took the spoon away to reload it, then shove it happily into her mouth the moment it was back.
Then: we'd ask, "do you want more?" & she would offer her spoon... yet sob when we took it.
Now she offers it w/o tears -- but observes watchfully to make sure it is returned promptly.
#babyledweaning #delayedgratification #Baby
@Madbasketballer I'm saving the last season of my favorite TV shows for a particular rainy day. #TheExpanse #Patriot #BoJackHorseman #BetterCallSaul and a few others... #DelayedGratification and all that jazz
If you haven't already, give #ForAllMankind a break
#ForAllMankind #delayedgratification #bettercallsaul #bojackhorseman #patriot #theexpanse
Christmas reading has arrived... How did you get it delivered so quickly ?!#DelayedGratification, well worth a look #SlowNews https://www.slow-journalism.com/
#delayedgratification #slownews
Christmas reading has arrived... How did you get it delivered so quickly ?!#DelayedGratification, well worth a look #SlowNews https://www.slow-journalism.com/
#delayedgratification #slownews
It is taking all my self restraint not to get a #coffee while watching swimming lessons but I really can’t afford to when we have plans for coffee after. #woe #DelayedGratification #saturday
#coffee #woe #delayedgratification #saturday
As I wait for the renovation of my new art studio to FINALLY be completed (and photographable), I'm embracing Delayed Gratification.
Cartoon ©berkeleymews.com
#copyright #berkeleymews #delayedgratification #cartoon
🚂 On long train rides - such as through the frontiers of Lower Saxony - scurvy can pose a real threat to our train conductors.
That's why the DB Bordbistro has a variety of pasta dishes on its menu (»Integrale Taktfahrpläne«) 🍜🛤️
So don't pass up your chance for authentic 'Gleisnudeln mit Senf' and discover our seasonal offerings like „Eisgnocchi in Brühsuppe“ or Lebkuchenlasagne... 🥹🥰
As always - keep on rolling 🚄🚄 #DBCommunity #DelayedGratification
#dbcommunity #delayedgratification
Slightly overexcited about the prospect of a big spanner. #tools #motorcycles #repair #delayedgratification
#tools #motorcycles #repair #delayedgratification
A #Cephalopod Has Passed a Cognitive Test Designed For Human Children #Intelligence #AnimalIntelligence #MarshmallowTest #DelayedGratification
#cephalopod #intelligence #animalintelligence #marshmallowtest #delayedgratification
#mask #Covid19 #vaccine #CDC #social #distancing
#delayedGratification #economy #biden
I told you so...
#mask #COVID19 #vaccine #cdc #social #distancing #delayedgratification #economy #biden