❄️ freezr ❄️ · @freezr
78 followers · 924 posts · Server bsd.network


Last updated 2 years ago

Chris :fedora: :flag_nl: · @RyuKurisu
339 followers · 8545 posts · Server fosstodon.org

The only reason I can say I'm free of is because the parent company of is renamed to .

So my quest to is ongoing because I still want to and ban as much out of my life as possible (hopefully enough to account while only accessing some of their services without one).

I can't think of any other I'm reliant on, so that's a win I guess? 🥳🎉🎊🎂

#facebook #whatsapp #meta #deleteBigTech #deletewhatsapp #google #deletegoogle #bigtech

Last updated 2 years ago

PSA: Before sharing that URL please inspect the .

If the site is behind or or contains trackers consider "" for and an article on another site. Your efforts will be rewarded in ways you might not immediately recognise.


#NetworkTab #cloudflare #amazon #google #searxing #sharing #psa #deleteBigTech #deleteamazon #deletecloudflare #deletegoogle

Last updated 3 years ago