David Chartier · @chartier
2852 followers · 6650 posts · Server toot.cafe

Amazon Alexa is a “colossal failure.” It was meant to be a new generation of voice-enabled instant purchasing, but people’s habits are anything but.


#deleteBillionaires #privacy #amazonalexa #amazon

Last updated 2 years ago

Yes. Extreme cannot be tolerated anymore.

Equal access to for and girls needs to be coupled with easily, affordable access to and services (ie. ).

When women have access to these things and radio shows explain the benefit. They do use them.

Yes, and must be at the forefront of what we do.

We cannot allow to get in the way.

#inequality #deleteBillionaires #education #women #contraception #familyPlanning #healthcare #environmentaljustice #socialjustice #tribalistic #division

Last updated 4 years ago

What percentage of jobs are considered useless, again?

Work at an place that's devoid of ethics, to afford stuff you don't need (again from ), to impress people you don't even like.

But at least the is shooting up.

@realcaseyrollins @blight

#unethical #corporations #stickMarket #shopEthical #BLES #biodynamic #local #ethical #sustainable #Rethink #coop #deleteBillionaires

Last updated 4 years ago