@joachim @alc
This anti-#bitcoin #rhetoric has been debunked. The original #DeVries report was rolled out in the mainstream without any proper scruitiny.
#CambridgeUniversity estimates show that it uses 17% of the energy used to boil kettles globally, if everyone on the planet boiled kettles like a Briton.
Would you like to start a war on tea, mate?
#warOnTea #howMuchEnergyWouldYouDevoteToSecuringYourAssets #renewableEnery #deleteKettles #boycottTea #sustainability #dollarHegemony #dollarWars
#bitcoin #rhetoric #DeVries #cambridgeuniversity #warOnTea #howMuchEnergyWouldYouDevoteToSecuringYourAssets #renewableEnery #deleteKettles #boycottTea #sustainability #dollarHegemony #dollarWars