· @jfmay
9 followers · 20 posts · Server fosstodon.org

It is soooo good to be able to !!!


Last updated 2 years ago

When did that vote happen?

Thats a nice colour, and is likely to be perfect as the -blue in the design.

Its disappointing when people completely which formed part of a that was .

Someone recently did that when in our view, they poorly defended a country joining .

They were new to Fedi.

#greenish #deleteToots #conversion #enlightening #nato

Last updated 3 years ago

Fediverse instances communicate with in order to perform basic functions (eg. , , etc.)

Not good!

Basically users on are turned over to a entity, making it useless to and many .

This needs to change.

#Cloucflare #editToots #deleteToots #tootImages #tootMultimedia #tor #mastodon #masssurveillance #whistleblowers #publishers

Last updated 5 years ago

We've been forced into using text only on the . As a user we cannot , nor or .

As limiting as that is, we don't mind. Its freeing in a way, as there's no temptation to produce images, which takes time. Even the rushed images that we published on took time.

Having said we might be interested in joining the version of the Fediverse - in some capacity ;)

#fediverse #tor #uploadImages #uploadVideos #editToots #deleteToots #failbook #onionRouter

Last updated 5 years ago

To what extent does is and the in general controlled by ?

The seems to employ to to Cloucflare.

Phoning home to Cloucflare seems necessary to , , and .

This is on non-cloucflare based .

#mastodon #fediverse #Cloucflare #browserInterface #webassembly #phonehome #tootImages #tootVideos #editToots #deleteToots #servers

Last updated 5 years ago