· @koherecoWatchdog
193 followers · 4544 posts · Server freeradical.zone
· @koherecoWatchdog
191 followers · 4495 posts · Server freeradical.zone
· @koherecoWatchdog
183 followers · 4338 posts · Server freeradical.zone

@noa @blacklight Regarding the lack of docs, sr.ht/~sourceware/gcc/ (for example) links to a website in the top tab. I suppose this comes from the UNIX philosophy of doing one small job well, while deligating other duties to other tools. In the mission, it’s good to know the audience. ’s landing page warns “Welcome to sourcehut, the hacker's forge!”

#deletegithub #sourcehut

Last updated 2 years ago

szakib · @szakib
49 followers · 2555 posts · Server freeradical.zone

I removed my own code from GitHub. I will upload the repos somewhere else later.

#deletegithub #FuckCopilot

Last updated 2 years ago

Thanks for doing this, Software Conservancy. 💖 Its indeed time to .

Thanks also for pointing out that .com is problematic, its also CloudFlare. Likewise Sourceforge is CloudFlare and and are Amazon.

DotCons abound.

Gitea seems to work well. Some Gitea instances include:
- Disroot
- unite.openworlds.info
- phreedom.club
- mirkodi.tech

We will be boosting, for different timezones.

#GiveUpGitHub #gitlab #atlassian #gitter #griftHub #deletegithub #deCloudflare

Last updated 2 years ago


- blocking (, anti- devs),
- quietly sabotaging , a charitable, project giving the public tools to avoid , with a dev also suspended.

FOSS projects that *rely* on hostile services put everyone at the whim of the entity and puts those devs in a position of .

#democracy #catalonia #censorship #deCloudflare #humanitarian #cloudflare #freesoftware #hypocrisy #deletegithub #microsoftCensorship #softwarequality #qa #ux #caringIsDeletingGithub

Last updated 3 years ago

· @koherecoWatchdog
183 followers · 4338 posts · Server freeradical.zone

@deejoe @celia @klaatu @dsfgs I've been part of the movement, so I've seen a lot of people's reasons behind staying on . The top two reasons people give for opposing migration off Github: 1) unwillingness to create yet another account 2) being where everyone else is for project visibility. I wish I had kept stats, but that's burned in my memory. Point 1 is wholly a matter of effort.

#deletegithub #github

Last updated 4 years ago

Zrythm DAW · @zrythm
1004 followers · 1019 posts · Server mastodon.social
raffia flowers · @bat
114 followers · 3341 posts · Server cybre.space


Last updated 4 years ago

The fact that such a bug was even allowed to persist highlights why is so important.

Holy hell!


Last updated 4 years ago


Assuming this affects Tor users also. Ugh. There's a reason we tell people to

#OREALLY #deletegithub

Last updated 4 years ago

slips, implicating in prediction that will be used in an farm.

In yesterday's ep of , at the 9 min mark, Max repeats his prediction that the aim to formally farm , but accidentally says "My-" for M$, before correcting to "".

If you've seen the filed by M$ you wouldn't be surprised.

But why is Max afraid to say it?

@schestowitz @freedcreative@merveilles.town

#MaxKeiser #microsoft #apartmentDwellers #ai #KeiserReport #powerElite #humanIntelligence #facebook #patent #deletegithub #deletemicrosoft #deleteGAFAM

Last updated 4 years ago

Activist · @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo
258 followers · 2118 posts · Server activism.openworlds.info

The perception of convenience is why ppl use . To give them convenience is to be an enabler. don't feed it.

#microsoft #github #deletegithub

Last updated 4 years ago

· @bojkotiMalbona
111 followers · 1137 posts · Server infosec.exchange

@schestowitz@pleroma.site Dear proponents: if you post reports to to , plz stop. Instead, post your bug reports here: neoreddit.horobets.me/c/bugs_u

#deletegithub #bug #github

Last updated 4 years ago

Activist · @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo
258 followers · 2118 posts · Server activism.openworlds.info

@kravietz @electricsand@hackers.town Plz boycott . There are several ethical problems w/them. 1) forced use of 2) forces users to run non-free from & 3) direct use of MS & preferential treatment to other Github projects. rationale: dev.lemmy.ml/post/30880 github.com/privacytoolsIO/priv

#bountysource #paypal #javascript #cloudflare #Cloudfront #github #cancelPayPal #deletegithub

Last updated 4 years ago

Activist · @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo
258 followers · 2118 posts · Server activism.openworlds.info

@strypey To be clear about the ties, uses GH themselves and also state this in their FaQ: "GitHub Organizations are automatically created as teams on Bountysource".

#github #bountysource #deletegithub

Last updated 4 years ago


This is important for many reasons. Github is owned by , who may become hostile to at anytime, especially given that they seek funding from interest groups with likely opposition to bitcoin.

Microsoft also has at least one pending for a competing powered by , and employs mechanisms to users of .

conscious users cannot use Github.

#microsoft #bitcoin #patent #cryptocurrency #humanEnergy #deanonymise #github #privacy #biomass #bigdata #cia #billionaireclass #deletegithub #hithub

Last updated 4 years ago

Activist · @aktivismoEstasMiaLuo
258 followers · 2118 posts · Server activism.openworlds.info

Dear tech freedom advocates, if you spot a s/w plz do not report it on MS Github. Instead, report it in IRC, usenet, forums, etc. When someone asks you to file the bug in Github, refuse & use that opportunity to explain why is harmful.

#bug #github #deletegithub

Last updated 4 years ago

Okay so this is basically the to .

The only thing left for to do, is block out the sun. Do they have a patent for that yet?

It's disturbing that they are trying to take ownership of .
a) is a service, you can't patent a service.
b) bitcoin is ,
c) they claim that this tech can plug into any but their assertion in the preamble [0002] that a can be centralised is scary.

#patent #prequal #thematrix #microsoft #bitcoin #cryptomining #copyleft #crypto #cryptocurrency #deletegithub

Last updated 4 years ago