(2/2) There are people in the #fediverse just like me who still do not know how to use this #platform & if you can not handle the fact that there are #TechnologicallyChallengedPeople here, maybe you should #DeleteMastodon, and #GoMakeRealFriends, or better yet #GetAJob flipping #burgers. Can you say, #DoYouWantFriesWithThat?
#fediverse #platform #technologicallychallengedpeople #deletemastodon #gomakerealfriends #getajob #burgers #doyouwantfrieswiththat
I have a #request for #all #mastodon #users. #PLEASE #be #nice #to #others #who #are #trying #to #learn #how #to #use #the #Mastodonplatform. Do not expect #newusers to #learnnewthings on the #first #day. Also, #do #not #assume that #people know how to work this #confusing #thing! If you keep on being #mean #and #nasty like this, I would #recommend that you #deletemastodon and #getajob! #PeopleAreSoFuckingRude #GetALife #WouldYouLikeFriesWithThat
#wouldyoulikefrieswiththat #getalife #peoplearesofuckingrude #getajob #deletemastodon #recommend #nasty #and #mean #Thing #confusing #people #assume #not #do #day #first #learnnewthings #newusers #mastodonplatform #the #use #how #learn #trying #are #WHO #others #to #Nice #be #please #users #Mastodon #all #request