Elon Musk's former Twitter lieutenant says he needs to 'hear hard truths' and not fire everyone who goes against him
#ElonMusk #TwitterSucks #Xtinction #Xsucks #DeleteTwitter #DeleteX #DeleteTwitterNow #DeleteXNow #ElonMuskIsEvil #ElonMuskAndDonaldTrumpSimilarities
#elonmuskanddonaldtrumpsimilarities #elonmuskisevil #deletexnow #deletetwitternow #deletex #deletetwitter #xsucks #xtinction #twittersucks #ElonMusk
also wenn selbst der mike müller anfängt die #demo in #zürich mit der reichskristallnacht zu vergleichen dann sollte auch der dümmste kapieren was twitter mit einem macht - das zeug ist schlimmer als crystal meth!
#deletetwitternow #zurich #demo
I just can't respect people who are holding on to their #TWTR accounts anymore. Let's be very clear about this: Every1 needs to realize now, that by "going quiet" but keeping yourself on that platform, YOU are an "active" part of #Elon's support system.
"Left-Wing Voices Are Silenced on #Twitter as Far-Right Trolls Advise #ElonMusk - Elon Musk appears to have out-sourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform’s right-wing extremists." https://theintercept.com/2022/11/29/elon-musk-twitter-andy-ngo-antifascist/
#twtr #elon #deletetwitternow #twitter #elonmusk
I just can't respect people who are holding on to their #TWTR accounts anymore. Every1 needs to realize now, that by "going quiet" but keeping yourself on that platform, you are an "active" part of #Elon's support system. #DeleteTwitterNow!
"Left-Wing Voices Are Silenced on #Twitter as Far-Right Trolls Advise #ElonMusk
Elon Musk appears to have out-sourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform’s right-wing extremists."
#twtr #elon #deletetwitternow #twitter #elonmusk
I just can't respect people who are holding on to their #TWTR accounts anymore. Every1 needs to realize now, that by "going quiet" but keeping yourself on that platform, you are an "active" part of #Elon's support system. #DeleteTwitterNow!
"Left-Wing Voices Are Silenced on Twitter as Far-Right Trolls Advise Elon Musk
Elon Musk appears to have out-sourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform’s right-wing extremists."
I just can't respect people who are holding on to their #TWTR accounts anymore. Every1 need's to realize now, that by "going quiet" but keeping yourself on that platform, you are an "active" part of #Elon's support system. #DeleteTwitterNow!
"Left-Wing Voices Are Silenced on Twitter as Far-Right Trolls Advise Elon Musk
Elon Musk appears to have out-sourced decisions about who to ban from Twitter to the platform’s right-wing extremists."