And now on to part 3:
#Deleuze #Guattari #JeremyGilbert #HegemonyNow
#deleuze #guattari #jeremygilbert #hegemonynow
@poltheoryother And now on to part 3:
#Deleuze #Guattari #JeremyGilbert #HegemonyNow
#deleuze #guattari #jeremygilbert #hegemonynow
Here's a blog post about what I found when a weird translators note in the German edition of #Deleuze s Bergsonism got me to look into the publication history of #Bergson s Duration and Simultaneity. FUN!!!
"Raceless Future - Achille Mbembe"
Here Mbeme lectures on #accelerationism , #Afrofuturism , objectification, "alienation" (in this case more literally becoming a #scifi alien), speciesism, and "geno-centrism"
My own familiarity with #Marx , #Deleuze , #Haraway and #Fanon helped me understand the context of the lecture better, but familiarity with these writers is not a necessity to appreciate the lecture, it only enriches the topic.
#accelerationism #afrofuturism #scifi #marx #deleuze #haraway #fanon
"Raceless Future - Achille Mbembe"
Here Mbeme lectures on #accelerationism , #Afrofuturism , objectification, "alienation" (in this case more literally becoming a #scifi alien), speciesism, and "geno-centrism"
My own familiarity with #Marx , #Deleuze , #Haraway and #Fanon helped me understand the context of the lecture better, but familiarity with these writers is not a necessity to appreciate the lecture, it only enriches the topic.
#accelerationism #afrofuturism #scifi #marx #deleuze #haraway #fanon
#repost #Deleuze #Rhizome #Philosophy
still one of my favorite #ELI5 videos
Explaining Deleuze with drum machines
#eli5 #philosophy #Rhizome #deleuze #repost
#当事他者 論の続きを考えるのに、 #ドゥルーズ #Deleuze の #差異と反復 #Différenceetrépétition がヒントになりそうです。
#ドゥルーズキーワード89 #芳川泰久 #堀千晶 #せりか書房 #ジルドゥルーズ #GillesDeleuze #哲学
#喜久屋書店 #喜久屋書店小倉店 #セントシティ #セントシティ北九州 #小倉北区 #北九州 #福岡 #ブックオカ
#ブックオカ #福岡 #北九州 #小倉北区 #セントシティ北九州 #セントシティ #喜久屋書店小倉店 #喜久屋書店 #哲学 #gillesdeleuze #ジルドゥルーズ #せりか書房 #堀千晶 #芳川泰久 #ドゥルーズキーワード89 #differenceetrepetition #差異と反復 #deleuze #ドゥルーズ #当事他者
the third part of my consideration of cinematic time:
#Bergson #Deleuze #cinema #philosophy #film @emilyherring
#bergson #deleuze #cinema #philosophy #film
pdf of an earlier post that links to a note on cinematic time. This text presents the concept a plan vital. It draws equally from Bergson's élan vital and Deleuze's transcendental plan(e). The virtual is a reflection not in space, in time.
@emilyherring #Bergson #Deleuze
@emilyherring Enduring Dreams is a long note on cinematic time, after #Bergson, #Russell, #Deleuze and #Schonig
#bergson #russell #deleuze #schonig
A great value episode of @unconscioushh if (like me) you like politics with philosophical edge & philosophy with a political punch, and your algorithmic inclinations are towards the cybernetic: 'Chantelle Gray - Anarchism After Deleuze and Guattari
#deleuze #guattari #anarchism #ai #podcast
#deleuze #guattari #anarchism #ai #Podcast
kaput car is forgiveness: See, what can an old man do? Without strength, without power, suited with the power of old man talk only. A character of history itself. Rühmann was starring "Quax, der Bruchpilot" ("Quax, the crash pilot"), one of the main _war's like fun_ and _get on with it_ films in 1941. Wenders took him in because he could then write film history writing history through film. Such film/history is no concept that fits or not, like #Deleuze might had in mind. It
Trascrizione dell’intervento di Alessandro Sarti al Viesseux su “Differential heterogenesis. Mutant forms, sensitive bodies”
Invece di un estratto di un libro, peraltro molto interessante, che il
#PrimoPiano #AlessandroSarti #Deleuze #estratti #estratto #guattari #Morfogenesi #morfogenesidifferenziale #Simondon
#primopiano #alessandrosarti #deleuze #estratti #estratto #guattari #morfogenesi #morfogenesidifferenziale #simondon