Onigiri (Japanese rice balls) were originally wrapped in dried bamboo sheaths, nori (seaweed) wrapping did not start until the mid 1800s.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #Onigiri
For a walnut to develop & mature on the tree takes about 170 days.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #walnut
Nougat is a cooked egg white foam.
Nutmeg is not a nut, but the seed of a drupe which when matured splits open to reveal the aril - which is the spice mace, and the seed which is nutmeg.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #nutmeg
“Pesto” etymology. 1937, from Italian pesto, from Latin pistus (“crushed, pounded”), from Latin pīnsō (“to pound, beat, crush”).
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #pesto
The edible bush coconut (AKA bloodwood apple) is an insect gall - a combination of plant and animal: an adult female scale insect lives in a gall induced on a Corymbia (bloodwood eucalypt).
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #bushcoconut
White chocolate is a confectionery made with sugar, milk solids & cocoa butter, and not a true chocolate because it doesn’t contain cocoa solids.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #chocolate
The resemblance of the red blisters from chickenpox to chickpeas is thought to be one reason for why the disease is known as chickenpox.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #chickpeas
Onions produce the chemical irritant known as syn-Propanethial-S-oxide - which is released when they are cut, causing the nerves around the eyes (lacrimal glands) to become irritated. So you cry.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #onions
According to dictionary definitions a hot dog is a type of sandwich.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #hotdogs
Witches allegedly made gingerbread figures and devoured them, thereby causing the death of their enemies.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #gingerbread
In the 1500s unmarried women gnawed on man-shaped gingerbread “husband” figures, hoping to attract a suitor to marry.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #gingerbread
A rocher is made with one spoon in one swooping motion. A quenelle is shaped with two spoons, passing the mound of soft (ice cream, whipped cream, whatever) between the bowls of the two spoons until you have a three sided “oval.”
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #quenelle #rocher
Rhubarb leaves are toxic, but we would need to eat about 5kgs to reach a lethal dose of oxalic acid. Swiss chard has more oxalic acid in it! The actual culprit might be the anthraquinone glycosides. Still certain is that you will become very unwell if you eat them.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #rhubarb
Panko is made from bread baked by electrical current, which yields a bread sans crust. This bread is then ground to create fine slivers of crumb.
#food #foodfacts #delexicon #panko