"Kadyrov took to Telegram to sound the alarm over what he described as Delimkhanov’s disappearance. #Kadyrov said he can’t get hold of #Delimkhanov and has no idea where he is. And in a wild plot twist, the #Chechen leader who for months has cheered on the killing of Ukrainians is now appealing to Ukrainian authorities for help."
#Ukraine #Russia #Chechnya #GUR #Propaganda #War
#kadyrov #delimkhanov #chechen #ukraine #russia #chechnya #gur #propaganda #war
Russian sources said that #Delimkhanov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Chechen Republic, was wounded, who took an active part in Russian invasion of Ukraine and some Ukrainian sources stated that he had died when he attacked when he was in Prymorsk, Zaporizhizhia region.
State Duma deputy Adam #Delimkhanov was wounded in #Ukraine, the press service of the State Duma reports. #press