Today my Nest WiFi Pro mesh network arrives and I couldn't be more excited by this! I have had Google WiFi (2 devices), then Nest WiFi (2 devices) and now Nest WiFi Pro (3 devices). I will now be able to deliver the faster internet my ISP provides but the older Nest WiFi doesn't support. We have had issue with back room not getting a signal too so this should solve that problem! Current speed uploaded to for comparison later! #NestWiFiPro #Tech #DeliveryDay
#nestwifipro #tech #deliveryday
#deliveryday: Tyvek — Boxing Day Fête (live recording; 2022, Doubles Tapes)
#tyvekdetroit #liverecording #cassetterelease #cassette #cassettecollection #bandcampfriday
#deliveryday #tyvekdetroit #liverecording #cassetterelease #cassette #cassettecollection #BandcampFriday