#Deloitte were happy to sign off on #Adani financials until a real auditor had a look at their transactions.
Companies that use these accounting and consulting firms do so because they know they will say whatever you want them to say.
Less auditing and more like public relations firms.
#Auspol #StopAdani #CoalKills #FridaysForFuture #India #Hindenberg #PwC
#deloitte #adani #auspol #stopadani #coalkills #fridaysforfuture #india #hindenberg #pwc
Deloitte to resign as Adani auditor on Hindenburg concerns: Report
The auditor’s move casts new shadows on financial management at Adani Group, which has been under scrutiny since January.
#AdaniGroup #deloitte #AdaniPorts #GautamAdani #HindenburgResearch #adani #CorporateFraud #billionaires #wealth #CronyCapitalism #business #industry #india
#adanigroup #deloitte #adaniports #gautamadani #hindenburgresearch #adani #corporatefraud #billionaires #wealth #cronycapitalism #business #industry #india
Man there's a lot of US news today.
In cool #Australian #Cyber news, #Deloitte has picked up total gun Aussie MDR company #Paraflare! This is going to be awesome for Aussie cyber capability by boosting some of our best cyber people and taking them global :D
#australian #cyber #deloitte #paraflare
Deloitte Partners with Chainalysis to Enhance Digital Asset Tracking and Investigations - Accounting giant Deloitte has partnered with blockchain security firm Chainalysis to enha... - https://cryptonews.com/news/deloitte-partners-with-chainalysis-enhance-digital-asset-tracking-investigations.htm #investigation #altcoinnews #chainalysis #deloitte
#deloitte #chainalysis #altcoinnews #investigation
Deloitte confirmed to me that they were affected: "Our analysis determined that our global network use of the vulnerable MOVEit Transfer software is limited. Having conducted our analysis, we have seen no evidence of impact to client data."
"Immediately upon becoming aware of this zero-day vulnerability, Deloitte applied the vendor’s security updates and performed mitigating actions in accordance with the vendor’s guidance."
According to Emsisoft, there are now more than 500 victims.
🚀 Deloitte & Chainalysis unite against crypto crime! 💼 Big Four firm joins forces with analytics experts to aid authorities in tracking malicious online individuals. 🎯 Strengthening client capabilities in blockchain tracking and compliance. #CryptoForensics #Partnership #Crypto #BlockChain #deloitte
#cryptoforensics #partnership #crypto #blockchain #deloitte
Deloitte, Chainalysis alliance to give law enforcement a crypto edge - Big Four accounting firm Deloitte said the partnership could help... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/deloitte-chainalysis-partnership-boost-compliance-law-enforcement #blockchainlawenforcement #blockchainpartnership #blockchainanalytics #chainalysis #deloitte #alliance
#alliance #deloitte #chainalysis #blockchainanalytics #blockchainpartnership #blockchainlawenforcement
#PwC #KPMG #Deloitte #EY
The Klaxon News
🚨Entire 47-person Fed Gov't tax “Advisory Panel" — which provided “real time policy advice to the Treasurer" — axed after 21 yrs amid PwC scandal. Was stacked with Big Four....including four *current* PwC Australia Tax Partners.
Anthony Klan
#pwc #KPMG #deloitte #ey #auspol
#PwC #KPMG #Deloitte #EY
Adele Ferguson
Excited to be delivering my first story for ABC. Please tune in on Monday at 7.30.
Next week on #abc730, @adele_ferguson
presents a special investigation into the Big Four consulting firms. Tune in on ABC TV and ABC iview.
#pwc #KPMG #deloitte #ey #auspol #abc730
#PwC #KPMG #Deloitte #EY
Adele Ferguson
Excited to be delivering my first story for ABC. Please tune in on Monday at 7.30.
Next week on #abc730, @adele_ferguson
presents a special investigation into the Big Four consulting firms. Tune in on ABC TV and ABC iview.
#pwc #KPMG #deloitte #ey #auspol #abc730
Deloitte Australia CEO tells Senate committee his work not worth $3.5mAUD salary
#ycombinator #deloitte #consulting #accounting #senate_committee
#ycombinator #deloitte #consulting #accounting #senate_committee
#Whatthefanta I know that the #LNP were in power for the most part ( they love outsourcing- just ask #PwC #KPMG #EY & #Deloitte but what is the problem with #Labor state governments?
Australia’s school system is one of most privatised in the world. 30% of primary and 40% of secondary students attend non-public schools. OECD average is 18%.
Get cracking Jason Clare. The clock is ticking
#whatthefanta #lnp #pwc #KPMG #ey #deloitte #labor
#Deloitte admits #misuse of government information as scandal engulfing #PwC widens https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jul/14/deloitte-misuse-of-government-information-senate-inquiry-pwc-scandal?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
With PwC and now #Deloitte being caught out. I guess it’s now just the big pair left.
Nearly all users surveyed (92%) for #Deloitte Access Economics' #ValueofGBIF report linked their work to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals #SDGs.
While 30% referred to environmental goals like #SDG14 #SDG15, the rest cited wider-ranging goals related to sustainable cities and communities #SDG11, quality education #SDG4, and good health and well-being #SDG3. Read more:
#deloitte #valueofgbif #sdgs #sdg14 #sdg15 #sdg11 #SDG4 #SDG3
I conti in rosso della Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 e il contratto milionario con Deloitte https://altreconomia.it/i-conti-in-rosso-della-fondazione-milano-cortina-2026-e-il-contratto-milionario-con-deloitte/ #Comitatoolimpicointernazionale #FondazioneMilanoCortina2026 #fondazioneolimpiadi #milanocortina2026 #giochiolimpici #milanocortina #olimpiadi2026 #Inchiesta #Olimpiadi #Deloitte #Cortina #malagò #milano #coni #Cio
#comitatoolimpicointernazionale #FondazioneMilanoCortina2026 #fondazioneolimpiadi #MilanoCortina2026 #giochiolimpici #milanocortina #Olimpiadi2026 #inchiesta #olimpiadi #deloitte #Cortina #malago #milano #Coni #cio