8月21日付のプレスリリース https://www.dupont.com/news/dupont-announces-agreement-to-divest-80-percent-ownership-in-delrin-business-to-tjc.html によると、米国 #DuPont は ポリアセタール (POM) #Delrin® 事業の80.1%を投資会社 #TJC LP に売却すると発表した。
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#mediatorsleniglo #ergonomicpicks #mediatorsergonomiques #juma #acetate #delrin #ivoire #bois #argent #bronze #guitarpicks #guitarpick https://www.instagram.com/p/CpUpXOZoyMc/?igshid=YTgzYjQ4ZTY=
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mediatorsNiglo/status/1631599589429235712
#mediatorsleniglo #ergonomicpicks #mediatorsergonomiques #Juma #acetate #delrin #ivoire #bois #argent #bronze #guitarpicks #guitarpick
Getting that semi-matte surface was not easy. You have to use a lot finer grits than with wood, it's a very scratch-unforgiving material. I had to go up to 1000 grit paper to get the right feel, and then a plastic buffing paste applied with a cotton buffer drill disk. That and some patience gets you there.
Getting that roundness on the tip for the thickest one was fiddly, but worth it because of... other-than-impact uses. Either way I absolutely recommend rounding the tips to some extent, because given how hard and heavy this material is, you do NOT want sharp tips causing unpleasant damage.
#canes #delrin #bdsmdiy #KinkyCrafts #spanking #ImpactPlay
#canes #delrin #bdsmdiy #kinkycrafts #spanking #impactplay