Service Tower that sits over the pad and helps stack the rocket and protect it from weather.
At launch time, it rolls back, leaving the rocket exposed and ready to launch.
The gray Fixed Umbilical tower on the left of the Mobile Service Tower serves as an umbilical support providing the rocket with LOX and LH2 until launch.
The two towers on either side of the Mobile Service Tower are Lighting Arrestor Towers.
The #Florida scrubland can be seen at the bottom of the image, as well as the Banana River.
#SLC37B, #ULA, #UnitedLaunchAlliance, #Delta4 #Delta4rocket, #MobileServiceTower, #MST, #FixedUmbilicalTower, #FUT, #BananaRiver, #CapeCanaveral, #CompositeImate, #Photography, #ArchitecturalPhotography, #Photograph, #Photo
#florida #slc37b #ula #unitedlaunchalliance #delta4 #delta4rocket #mobileservicetower #mst #fixedumbilicaltower #fut #bananariver #capecanaveral #compositeimate #photography #architecturalphotography #photograph #photo
#SpaceSaturday: A United Launch Alliance #Delta IV #rocket, sitting on its #launchpad at #CapeCanaveral’s LC-37B. The #ULA #Delta4Heavy was the most powerful #launch vehicle available until the Falcon 9 Heavy became operational.
On the image’s left is the Fixed Umbilical Tower
The Delta series is being retired in favor of the Vulcan-Centaur rocket.
#UnitedLaunchAlliance, #Delta4, #spacelaunchvehicle, # #Photograph, #Photography, Photo
#spacesaturday #delta #rocket #launchpad #capecanaveral #ula #delta4heavy #launch #unitedlaunchalliance #delta4 #spacelaunchvehicle #photograph #photography
#SpaceSaturday: A United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy #rocket #launched #NASA’s #Orion #spacecraft on Exploration Flight Test 1, or #EFT1.
The Delta IV Heavy was chosen as the post powerful and compatible rocket for the Orion test capsule, since its upper stage, the Delta Cryogenic Second Stage, serves as the basis for the Interim Cryogenic Upper Stage on the #SLS #rocket.
The #Delta4 could lift the capsule into a trajectory that would cause it to re-enter the atmosphere at similar velocities as a lunar return, proving the heat shield, parachutes, and landing systems.
It also verified the #LaunchAbortSystem disposal and fairing jettison.
#Delta4, #Delta4Heavy, #ExplorationFlightTest1, #RocketLaunch, #DeltaCryogenicSecondStage, #DCSS, #InterimCryogenicUpperStage, #ICUS, #UnitedLaunchAlliance, #ULA
#spacesaturday #rocket #launched #nasa #orion #spacecraft #eft1 #sls #delta4 #launchabortsystem #delta4heavy #explorationflighttest1 #rocketlaunch #deltacryogenicsecondstage #dcss #interimcryogenicupperstage #icus #unitedlaunchalliance #ula
A #photograph of a United Launch Alliance #ULA #Delta4 Medium+ with 4 #SRBs and a 5 meter upper stage, waiting on LC-37B to #launch the fifth #WidebandGlobalSatcom #WGS #satellite.
The Mobile Service Structure, #MSS has moved back to reveal the #launch pad, the #rocket, and the Fixed Umbilical Tower.
The rocket itself is venting boiled-off liquid oxygen.
#photograph #ula #delta4 #srbs #launch #widebandglobalsatcom #wgs #satellite #mss #rocket