mb #DavosStandard ✅ · @mb81089900
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Deltacron, einer Kombination aus und .

Der indische -Experte Vipin Vashishta sieht in ihr das Potential, dass sie Arcturus bald einholt.


#corona #indien #arcturus #deltacron #Delta #Omikron #WHO

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
391 followers · 1813 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Mmmm okay..but riddle me this, can we really call an & how’s about ?🙄

making me question when should be guiding us PLUS unchecked & never-ending but sure,

here’s the thing, DATA IS FROM MAY 2022…🤦🏻‍♀️
even IF it were true (BIG HUGE IF) it’s<than relevant but most will take this as gospel b/c a science journal said so🙄

#xbb116 #xbb115 #omicron #deltacron #minimizers #reality #PrecautionaryPrinciple #mutations #variants #everythingisjustfine #nope #authority #questionauthority

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
388 followers · 1742 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@TRyanGregory @IPEdmonton @beadsland @Geoffberner
Ah but you see, it’s got that “k” sound in it, so it’s sure to get brand recognition🙄
Coke, Kinko’s, Colgate, Coors, Xerox, Kodak it’s really a thing

don’t think name matters as much as effect..& this is going to be a doozy; Best of both worlds.. lungs & brain!

is a great movie but as an actual thing right now in society, not so much

hope to be wrong, but we’ll soon find out b/c of stupidity

#etc #deltacron #clueless

Last updated 2 years ago