Arc Dream Publishing has released a new set of digital asset packs for the Delta Green RPG.
I have no relationship to either publisher, but Trail of Cthulhu and Delta Green have pretty nice bundles running right now. So cheap you might forswear piracy. For a minute. #ttrpg #CoC #DeltaGreen
When you’ve been fighting paranormal threats for the Soviet Union longer than Stalin’s been in power, no one questions your choice of firearm at Stalingrad… or companions. #miniaturepainting #paintingminis #DeltaGreen #wepaintminis
#miniaturepainting #paintingminis #deltagreen #wepaintminis
Kleiner Hinweis an euch, liebes #pnpde : Beim #bundleofholding gibt es gerade #DeltaGreen für einen Preis, für den man sonst nicht mal #ImpossibleLandscapes als PDF bekommt. 😀
#deltagreenrpg #Cthulhu #hplovecraft
#pnpde #bundleofholding #deltagreen #impossiblelandscapes #deltagreenrpg #cthulhu #hplovecraft
Tonight - Started a #deltagreen character for the first time. Maybe Auntie Kris ( a smithy) might've raised me and introduced ('guided'?) me to the 'inner mysteries' of the Project. Maaaybe via a secretive organization that starts with faux outer mysteries? (based in Chicago). Something that connects higher scores in history and occult perhaps.
So #BundleOfHolding has a second #DeltaGreen deal up for asset packs: logos, document templates, stamps, etc. - lots of stuff to make your own documents and props for games you're running. Neat stuff for the enterprising GM.
Arc Dream Publishing and the Bundle of Holding have a megadeal on the horror TTRPG Delta Green
#ttrpg #deltagreen
After being obsessed with Twin Peaks, I wanted to play a FBI agent inspired by Cooper, so here is David Cooper, less talkative but as weird. He's very good at reading people and using computer.
Also he loves coffee and cherry pie.
#DeltaGreen #TTRPG
At GenCon, I missed my chance to buy the physical version of #DeltaGreen Labyrinth, a new source book of organizations and threats.
I'm not making that mistake again. There's a Delta Green #BundleOfHolding that includes all of the recent sourcebooks in PDF format, including:
The core rulebooks
Delta Green: The Conspiracy
Delta Green: The Labyrinth
Impossible Landscapes
It. Is. Mine.
Endlich ist es online. ^^
Behni und ich haben in diesem Video über unsere absolute Lieblings-Horror-Kampagne gesprochen.
"Impossible Landscapes" war die Kampagne durch die ich #DeltaGreen zu lieben gelernt habe.
Auch wenn ihr #Cthulhu oder #Fthagn spielt, lohnt es sich da rein zu schauen.
Die Kampagne ist riesig, die Handlung zusammen zu fassen war in knapp einer Stunde nicht möglich. Ich hoffe wir konnten trotzdem vermitteln was uns so begeistert.
#deltagreen #cthulhu #fthagn #pnpde #horror
Day 31, favourite RPG of all time
I can't choose, because I've got 2 RPG I love which I always go back to : #DeltaGreen & #VampireTheMasquerade
I love them because of the stories they allow me to tell. The character sheets have a lot of content, but I'm never lost when reading them. I can know quickly the strength, weakness, and narrativly interresting information for each character and I've a lot of inspiration for setting scenario in these games.
#vamily #RPGaDAY #ttrpg #vampirethemasquerade #deltagreen #rpgaday2023
Day 31: Favorite RPG of All Time
Call of Cthulhu.
Nowadays I prefer both the system and the setting for the stand-alone Delta Green RPG, but CoC is the giant whose shoulders DG stands upon.
Even more than Vampire: The Masquerade 1st edition, CoC expanded my perception of what kinds of stories could be told through RPGs and what heroes they could feature.
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #deltagreen
/31. Favourite rpg of all time. I don't like this question really but I can say my favourite in recent years is Delta Green
/29 Most memorable encounter. I am going to say Next of Kin. An extended version of the shotgun scenario of the same name for Delta Green. I played this then modified it and use it for one shots myself. It's very heavy and can be quite affecting, but it's just really powerful operation for Delta Green that focuses on the impact to life and family, with a lot of Impossible decisions to make. I also like it comes in 'nearly impossible' and 'abandon all your flavours'#RPGaDay #DeltaGreen #TTRPG
Day 28, scariest game I played
As I'm the GM most of the time, I'm the one in charge to tell scary stuff (and I love that).
I think the game where I love to do that is #DeltaGreen, not especially with body horror or hideous monster, but with ununderstandable situation, when the law of the real world doesn't apply anymore. For that, the King in Yellow Mythos (yes, Impossible Landscapes again) and the Dreamlands are definitly my tools of the trade!
#ttrpg #RPGaDAY #deltagreen #rpgaday2023
/28 Scariest game. Delta Green. Tonally, no one writes horror like Arc Dream. The art, the relentless certainty of death. IMO they do this better than anyone and it's not even close. The key to the game is how easy it is to bring humanity to your characters, make them real in an unreal world. Couple that with the rest familiarity of a contemporary setting. Just fantastic.
Day 26, favourite character sheet
I really like when the character sheet is in the theme of the game, but it's difficult to do while keeping something readable. I find #DeltaGreen succeed pretty well by having a sheet looking like a classified file about the character with clear sections and important data on the front sheet.
#RPGaDAY #ttrpg #deltagreen #rpgaday2023
A game I'll still play in 20 years?
I know this is a cliche answer but even at 73 I can picture myself playing some flavor of D&D.
I haven't played D&D in a few years and I've turned down invitations to play in the future. It's not my preferred game. But there's something about sitting around a table rolling up a thief or a magic-user that seems evergreen.
Not do I think I'll have any problem finding pick up games so #callofCthulhu or #DeltaGreen online somewhere.
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #callofcthulhu #deltagreen
@taffysaint oh, cool - I didn’t know that. My group’s talking about playing some #DeltaGreen, which means I’ll finally get to use my Kickstarter books :). Previously, our Delta Green games were #CallOfCthulhu based and usually one shots. This could be more of a campaign (or at least a multisession arc).
#RPGaDay2022 19) Favourite PUBLISHED adventure
Welt again, it depends! Right mow:
#horror - you have been warned: Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away Home (#CoC. #DeltaGreen), the intro adventure of #WorldWarCthulhu, #BlackMadonna (#Kult), Bring Me The Head of the Comte de Saint-Germain (#UARPG)
#Fantasy: #MistakenIdentity (#WFRP, #TheEnemyWithin), some #Zauberzeit adv. like Der Schwarze Habicht
#cyberfantasy (to be played) :#UniversalBrotherhood (#Shadowrun)
#wildwest: The intro adv. of #DustDevils
#RPGaDAY2022 #horror #CoC #deltagreen #worldwarcthulhu #blackmadonna #KULT #uarpg #fantasy #mistakenidentity #WFRP #TheEnemyWithin #zauberzeit #cyberfantasy #universalbrotherhood #shadowrun #wildwest #dustdevils