#ArrestedDevelopment: Democratic legislator backs people against the Governor trying to steal water for lawns and cattle at the expense of salmon.
#arresteddevelopment #bypass #deltatunnel #CEQA #waivers
"As is his pattern, #GavinNewsom is trying to jam through the legislation at the last minute, denying legislators and the public ample time to assess and debate the proposal."
#cawater #DeltaTunnel
#deltatunnel #cawater #gavinnewsom
The #DeltaTunnel project would not have increased water supply this year--but it would have reduced survival of endangered winter-run #Chinook salmon:
"The public deserves an honest conversation about the costs and benefits of a Delta tunnel project, including accurate information about the financial costs, potential water supply benefits, and adverse impacts to #fish, water quality, and #wildlife – and the fishing jobs and communities in the Delta that depend on a healthy estuary," as Doug Obegi of @nrdc writes https://www.nrdc.org/bio/doug-obegi/dwrs-latest-misinformation-about-delta-conveyance-project #CAwater #CAdelta
#deltatunnel #chinook #fish #wildlife #cawater #cadelta
"Water management in California is complicated, and it’s made even more complex during these challenging climate conditions...” - Karla Nemeth, Director of California Dept. of Water Resources
We welcome the new awareness. So then why no #climate discussion in the #DeltaTunnel DEIR?
#cawater #deltatunnel #Climate
With 13 partner organizations, @sfbaykeeper filed comments on the draft environmental impact report for Governor Newsom’s Delta conveyance (#DeltaTunnel) project. The tunnel will increase diversions of water from the Bay-Delta.
If constructed, Newsom’s tunnel would be a death sentence for #SFBay’s fisheries & for communities that rely on those fish for food, recreation, & cultural practices.
More: https://baykeeper.org/press_release/newsoms-delta-tunnel-baykeeper-comments
With 13 partner organizations, @sfbaykeeper filed comments on the draft environmental impact report for Governor Newsom’s Delta conveyance (#DeltaTunnel) project. The tunnel will increase diversions of water from the Bay-Delta.
If constructed, Newsom’s tunnel would be a death sentence for #SFBay’s fisheries & for communities that rely on those fish for food, recreation, & cultural practices.
More: https://baykeeper.org/press_release/newsoms-delta-tunnel-baykeeper-comments
Does #Newsom have a death wish for #SFBay? It certainly looks that way.
The Bay needs fresh river water to stay healthy. But historically, bad water management practices have prevailed. Agencies regularly divert more than 50% of the fresh water that would naturally flow into San Francisco Bay. Now Newsom's Delta tunnel proposal will divert *even more* water.
Tell the State Water Board that taking more water from the Bay & Delta is a bad idea! ⤵️ https://baykeeper.org/action-alert/delta-tunnels
#DeltaTunnel #CAWater
#newsom #sfbay #deltatunnel #cawater
Congratulations to Osha Meserve and Delta water agencies.
"...the Sacramento County Superior Court ruled against the Department of Water Resources (DWR) in a case challenging DWR’s environmental review of hundreds of borings and other geotechnical explorations taking place on Delta lands and waterways. Information from these investigations is being used to help plan the controversial Delta Conveyance Project." #deltatunnel #cawater
Delta Tunnel DEIS Report Public Comment Session in the Delta
December 6, 2022 (4 – 5:30 p.m.)
In-Person meeting
Willow Ballroom, 10724 CA-160, Hood, CA 95639
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) comments on the Department of Water Resources’ controversial tunnel proposal are due December 16, 2022.
The meeting will provide a brief overview of the project and include an opportunity to put your comments into the formal record. #cawater #deltatunnel
Delta Tunnel DEIS Report Public Comment Session in the Delta
December 6, 2022 (4 – 5:30 p.m.)
In-Person meeting
Willow Ballroom, 10724 CA-160, Hood, CA 95639
Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) comments on the Department of Water Resources’ controversial tunnel proposal are due December 16, 2022.
The meeting will provide a brief overview of the project and include an opportunity to put your comments into the formal record. #cawater #deltatunnel