Aurten ere hainbeste eskertzen dugun Mediterraneo dosia jasotzera etorri gara.
Ebro ibaiak itsasoarekin bat egiten duen inguruko parajeak ezagutzen. Ikaragarria ederra. #Ebro #Deltebre #Mediterraneoa #Delta
#ebro #deltebre #mediterraneoa #delta
#Deltebre I is an #archaeological site of a #shipwreck belonging to an English army transport fleet which sank in the Ebro Delta with other #ships of the same convoy in the summer of 1813. The lost ships were the Alfred, the Harlequin, the Magnum, and the Bonum Southampton
Cannon, cannonballs, bullets and flintlocks.
#napolenic #napoleonictimes #napoleonage #archaeology #conflictarchaeology #archeology #history #militaryhistory @histodons @academicchatter @archaeodons
#militaryhistory #history #archeology #conflictarchaeology #archaeology #napoleonage #napoleonictimes #napolenic #ships #shipwreck #archaeological #deltebre
Nothing better than starting this #Mastodon account with a good picture on #Photomonday (taken nearby #deltebre)
#mastodon #Photomonday #deltebre
En aquest visor podeu comprovar l’extensió de les inundacions de la borrasca Gloria al Delta de l’Ebre: #Deltebre #DeltaEbre #Gloria
Le petit chien
#2017 #2019 #24x36 #3x2 #AnalogPhotography #Analogique #Argentique #Automne #Autumn #Candid #CanonEOS1V #Catalogne #ColorFilm #Couleurs #Deltebre #Espagne #Europe #FilmCouleur #FilmForever #FilmIsNotDead #FilmSpirit #Film_Is_A_State_Of_Mind #FUJIPHOTOFILMCO. #IShootFilm #KodakEktar100 #Lavieencouleur #LTD. #Matin #Morning #Portrait #RegardsParisiens #SP-3000 #Spain #StreetPhotography
#24x36 #3x2 #analogphotography #analogique #argentique #automne #autumn #candid #canoneos1v #catalogne #colorfilm #couleurs #deltebre #espagne #europe #filmcouleur #filmforever #filmisnotdead #filmspirit #film_is_a_state_of_mind #fujiphotofilmco #ishootfilm #kodakektar100 #lavieencouleur #ltd #matin #morning #portrait #regardsparisiens #sp #spain #streetphotography