Who was just talking about #Deltron3030, what path did I take getting to this page?
Anyway here's the full album!
Deltron 3030 - Virus https://youtu.be/34k3GwQtbbs
"I want to devise a virus
To bring dire straits to your environment
Crush your corporations with a mild touch
Trash your whole computer system and revert you to papyrus"
#deltron3030 #hiphop #listentothis
Absolute favorite from the album. Enjoy listening to this track while working.
#deltron3030 #hiphop #listentothis
Man, I still miss playing the game #Battleborn. I wish they had expanded the game with some DLC and more story. Still one of the best game intros of all time. #Deltron3030
Du génie enrobé dans du velours.
Deltron 3030 – 3030
#MastoRadio #FediRadio #PouetRadio #TootRadio #SoundCheck #TeamVieux #WeAreTheRadio #np #NowPlaying #Deltron3030 #3030 #DelTheFunkyHomoSapiens
#mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #teamvieux #wearetheradio #np #nowplaying #deltron3030 #delthefunkyhomosapiens
I forgot how much I love #deltron3030 and #DanTheAutomator. Well, #Deltron, in general. Doing some #RollerSkating tonight, in preparation for my first skills assessment for my #RollerDerby team, tomorrow.
Threw my headphones in and put on the #SelfTitledAlbum.
#Audiophile #Music #HipHop #HipHopMusic #MusicNerd #DerbyGirl #DerbyBitch
#deltron3030 #DanTheAutomator #Deltron #rollerskating #rollerderby #SelfTitledAlbum #audiophile #music #hiphop #HipHopMusic #MusicNerd #derbygirl #DerbyBitch