The primaries of the #GQP are turning into a shit show that could be called #America's new top #psychopath. With his ramblings about a #deepstate and "slitting throats from day one", #RondeSantis is desperately trying to pass #Trump in terms of utter insanity and #demagoguery.
#populism is #poison, and politicians banking on it have to keep escalating their incendiary language to keep their supporters happy. But if the happen to get elected, following up is not an option.
#GQP #america #psychopath #deepstate #rondesantis #trump #demagoguery #populism #poison #unitedstates
People like #MichelHouellebecq are like junkies and public acclaim is their heroine.
The only problem is that #France does not need any more #demagoguery and incendiary language right now - it needs #reconciliation and listening to each other much rather than talking about each other in a highly condescending tone.
Maybe self-declared intellectuals should check out the movie #LaHaine, as Mathieu Kassovitz was very clairvoyant with this one.
#michelhouellebecq #france #demagoguery #reconciliation #lahaine
Dion Lefler: Oklahoma’s disastrous war on ‘woke’ teachers offers valuable lesson for Kansas - Educate students on how to see through dictatorial demagogues like Dan Walters Oklahoma's Secretary of Education. #Demagoguery
In America it seems LGBT+ people have been a major and growing target of political opportunity for right-wing (hate) organizing in recent years, like the story of how Chaya Raichik just tried attacking different minority groups looking for what would bolster her following on social media, and then LibsOfTikTok really took off and became influential in GOP politics and elections.
#politics #us #GOP #RepublicanParty #demagoguery
#politics #us #gop #republicanparty #demagoguery
#CharlesAdler endorses #RachelNotley on #NewYearsEve:
"On the eve of 2023 in #Alberta - a political endorsement. I endorse #Democracy over #Demagoguery, Victory over Victimhood, Science over Snake Oil, Public Service over Paranoia & Leading Canada over Leaving Canada. I support Rachel Notley's campaign to return Albertans to normalcy."
#BetterOffWithNotley #abpoli #ableg #elxnab #NDP #UCP #AlbertaNDP
#charlesadler #rachelnotley #newyearseve #alberta #democracy #demagoguery #betteroffwithnotley #abpoli #ableg #elxnab #ndp #ucp #albertandp
#Voters choose the obvious lies of #demagoguery as an act of “participatory propaganda,” a way of expressing their support for their champion in the moment, says @stworg, chair of the Department of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Bristol in England.
I really wish more people would acquaint themselves with the word demagogue and understand what it means especially in terms of Trump's "populism".
@wwwendos Yes agree. The Achilles heal of democracy? The use of misinformation and outright lies to prey on peoples fears #demagoguery coupled with the growing numbers of people disenfranchised and left behind, and the excesses of the elite. Provide dignity and education to the people is not extreme left wokism but a necessity for societal stability. It will be too late when the elite they have lost control of the monster they created.
"The answer seems evident. The extremist right as an activist movement is not driven by a coherent political philosophy. Rather, it is propelled by #demagoguery; the use of simple tropes to win the emotions of masses of followers and energize them to action." As is so much.
Who replaced what was left of any brain with a pile of stinking dung in the skull of #antivaxxer #RobertKennedy? Seriously, this prick has lost it, comparing the #unvaxxed to jews chased down by nazis.
Robert, you dick-headed ignoramus: NOBODY chases down unvaxxed idiots. Nobody puts them in camps. Nobody is killing them.
Your #demagoguery is an insult to anyone who can think clearly. But more importantly, you are trampling on the memories of victims of the #holocaust.
Go get lost.
#antivaxxer #robertkennedy #unvaxxed #demagoguery #holocaust
DEMAGOGUERY: a fault in the thinker, an art in the priest, an accomplishment in the politician, and second-nature to the journalist.
#heterodoxdictionary #demagoguery