My #Anxiety is through the roof today and kicking my butt.
Nothing majorly wrong. Just a project reshuffle at work. Where some of us are getting rotated out to work on other projects for other teams. Not end of the world stuff.
but my #ActuallyAutistic side is screaming in my skull about the uncertainty of what I'll be doing. My #DemandAvoidance doesn't want to do the rounds of "interviews" with other teams.
I don't know what I'll be doing in a month's time or where! :(
#anxiety #actuallyautistic #demandavoidance
What #iOS #task management app has made it easier for you to deal with #demandAvoidance and prevent tasks from falling through the cracks?
I use #Todoist, as its the best I've found so far, but I feel it could be better.
#ios #task #demandavoidance #Todoist #adhd #adhdlife #ADHDer #adultadhd #neurodivergent
1/5 I mentioned recently that I was doing my annual self-evaluation at work. Normally this triggers my #anxiety and #DemandAvoidance. And I guess the latter happened. This time I got into “fuck it” mode and just did my #narrative thing. What was new is that I injected context around AuDHD and how it expresses for me. #Burnout. Anxiety. Demand avoidance. Social awkwardness.
#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #workplace #PerformanceEvaluation @actuallyautistic
#anxiety #demandavoidance #narrative #burnout #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #workplace #performanceevaluation
@doggle @actuallyautistic I'd say #DemandAvoidance is my primary trait, nothing makes me curl up in a #LiteralBlanketFort (and yes, I have a lot of gray hair) more often than being suffocated by demands, expectations, and pressure to conform to social norms... #NoIsAProtectiveSpell and a common #AutisticSuperpower, but it is still unbelievably draining to be subjected to that shit in the first place...
#demandavoidance #literalblanketfort #noisaprotectivespell #autisticsuperpower
I’ve had a really weird day emotionally. Been stuck in my head and found to difficult to move on things I knew I should. I suppose I could call it #DemandAvoidance but it feels different to me. Thst term sounds willful to me. But maybe I am being? Ugh.
I did manage to get into things where I was participating in a group. Is a key having someone there to be sure I’m on task? Seems onerous. Maybe.
My brain seriously frustrates me.
#demandavoidance #actuallyautistic #schroedingersautist
Nothing is more exhausting than fighting your own brain.
If I have to do the thing, it is very difficult to even start.
#demandavoidance #executivedysfunction #ActuallyAutistic
[#canYouSeeMe #libbyScott #rebeccaWestcott ]
[a longer read, a book less comforting and more didactic, but even though i feel like i 'know' a lot of what the book was trying to teach, there were enlightening sections. the young female #autistic protagonist is shown dealing with #demandAvoidance the whole way through, and the strains it puts on her family are shown, but never at the expense of making clear that the autistic person is distressed and hurt, and always trying ]
#canyouseeme #libbyscott #rebeccawestcott #autistic #demandavoidance #Autisticbookclub
#ExecutiveDysfunction and #DemandAvoidance are my biggest hurdles.
I used to get very depressed about my difficulty with the constant struggle to do things.
Now, I might have a moment of frustration but then I let it go.
I move on and do what I can.
I take more breaks. I take small steps.
I still struggle a lot but I just don't allow myself to obsess over my mistakes.
When negative intrusive thoughts pop up I redirect my brain to think of 3 things I am grateful for in that moment.
#executivedysfunction #demandavoidance
[#demandAvoidance is something im struggling to grasp willingly but i feel like it is integral to my own understanding of my #actuallyAutistic self. it is connected to many embarrassing memories, feelings of shame, times of triumph marred by preceeding tribulations... events where i could indeed Do The Thing! ...but only after tears, 'tantrums', manipulations real and imagined ]
[with it, i wrestle with my ableism. a demand of discomfort i should not avoid ]
#demandavoidance #ActuallyAutistic
[one of the most related parts of #canYouSeeMe (scott & westcott) was the protagonists relation of #demandAvoidance. negotiating with the self, and outside parties, to navigate motivation, stress, and energy. #spoons, you might say. obviously i dont have an identical experience to this character, but i recognised many similarities between my own processes and past failures to demand avoidance in this character ]
#Autisticbookclub #canyouseeme #demandavoidance #spoons
So I've switched from Autofocus back to GTD for my home task management. I've got this cool new toy Obsidian, which is a kind of … personal wiki?
Don't know if it will work. I've tried this before but failed because of #autism, #DemandAvoidance, #ADHD, lack of damn time to actually do tasks, guilt, etc.
It works just fine at work for some reason.
One really tiny tweak that might help. GTD has a list called "Someday/maybe"; tasks that you should review to see if they actually need doing. »
#autism #demandavoidance #adhd