"On Tuesday, Gigi Sohn stood up to attackers like Ted Cruz at her latest confirmation hearing, proving once again that she’s exactly the right person to take on Comcast and the rest of Big Cable." #DemandProgress
#FCC wants to know if repealing #NetNeutrality was bad for public safety. OF COURSE IT WAS! Submit your comment here: https://battleforthenet.com/public-safety via #FightForTheFuture #DemandProgress #FreePressAction #Politics #USofA
#netneutrality #fcc #politics #usofa #fightforthefuture #demandprogress #FreePressAction
Petition to #USCongress:
"Local municipalities are subsidizing #AmazonRing’s dangerous, flawed, and racially biased private #surveillance system. We demand you take action immediately and ban public subsidies for private surveillance."
Read all about it and "sign" (if you're willing/able) here:
via #DemandProgress #Amazon #SurveillanceCapitalism #Privacy #CorporateWelfare #Politics #Society #USofA
#surveillance #uscongress #amazonring #demandprogress #amazon #surveillancecapitalism #privacy #corporatewelfare #politics #society #usofa
Tell #USSenate: Vote NO on the #NDAA! https://act.demandprogress.org/sign/tell-congress-vote-no-ndaa-2
via #DemandProgress #Politics #USofA
#ussenate #ndaa #politics #demandprogress #usofa
Tell #Facebook: End the Trump Exemption
#facebook #demandprogress #politics #usofa
#Amazon is using automated productivity quotas to literally work their warehouse workers to death!
Tell Amazon to stop this immediately:
#amazon #demandprogress #workersrights #usofa
"#Facebook could take down the entire global economy with #MarkZuckerberg’s #DarkMoney proposal, #Libra. Zuckerberg is out of control. We need [#USCongress] to stop him."
#facebook #markzuckerberg #darkmoney #libra #uscongress #demandprogress #politics #usofa
Tell #USCongress: No more weapons for #Turkey
via #DemandProgress
#uscongress #turkey #demandprogress
Tell @RepAdamSchiff:
Protect journalists and withdraw your CIA-requested amendment to #HR3494
#hr3494 #demandprogress #politics #usofa
#Amazon provides tech for #ICE to separate children from their families, uses its power to crush small businesses, instate poor working conditions for warehouse workers, & push low-income families & people of color out of their neighborhoods.
Tell #USCongress to break up big tech:
via #DemandProgress
#amazon #ice #immigration #uscongress #demandprogress #politics #society #workersrights #usofa
The #FBI isn’t taking the threat of "white nationalist" violence seriously. Instead, they’d rather focus on the bogus “black identity extremist” designation.
Tell the FBI their racism is showing:
via #DemandProgress
#fbi #demandprogress #politics #society #usofa
No one wants the #NSA to eavesdrop on everyone’s phone calls. No one but @SenatorBurr, at least. Tell him to shut down #Section215
#section215 #demandprogress #politics #surveillance #usofa #nsa
Biometric face scanning just to board a #Jetblue flight? Nope! No way, no how! JetBlue is canceled until they drop this: https://act.demandprogress.org/sign/tell-jetblue-stop-their-invasive-privacy-violating-biometric-passenger-scanning via #DemandProgress #Surveillance #USofA
#demandprogress #surveillance #usofa #jetblue
Close the Homestead Child Detention Center and reunite children with their families and sponsors! https://actionnetwork.org/petitions/sign-the-petition-close-the-homestead-child-detention-center?source=Fediverse& via #DemandProgress #Immigration #Politics #USofA
#politics #usofa #demandprogress #immigration
#CancelTheContract Homeland Security has with #Palantir to separate families at the border: https://act.demandprogress.org/sign/tell-homeland-security-cancel-their-contract-palantir/?source=Fediverse via #DemandProgress #Immigration #Politics #USofA
#immigration #politics #usofa #cancelthecontract #palantir #demandprogress
Tell the #Pentagon: Stop blocking #FOIA requests about #Google’s Project Maven!
"Transparency in government is essential to our democracy. We demand the Pentagon to immediately stop refusing FOIA requests for documents related to Google’s Project Maven."
via #DemandProgress
Some background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_intelligence_arms_race#Disassociation
#pentagon #foia #google #demandprogress #politics #stopdrumpf #usofa
Tell #Google to withdraw legal filings that undermine workers’ rights!
Petition to Google:
We are aware of your behind-the-scenes legal filings to undermine the rights of workers in the workplace and demand that you immediately withdraw these filings with the #NLRB.
via #DemandProgress #ProjectMaven #Solidarity #WorkersRights #USofA #DontBeEvil #DoTheRightThing
#google #nlrb #demandprogress #projectmaven #solidarity #workersrights #usofa #dontbeevil #dotherightthing
Tell #USCongress: Make #Amazon and other big companies pay their fair share!
#demandprogress #economy #uscongress #amazon #politics #usofa