A story about #DemingNM's former city department head, who sparked a special audit, sued the city over his firing, and says he is running for mayor.
Now he's been charged with larceny over a purchase he allegedly made while still an employee.
Alexi Jackson, Deming’s former community services director who is suing the city over his termination last fall and has alleged systematic utility billing fraud, has been charged with larceny for allegedly buying a golf cart body with city funds.
Jackson, who has teased a mayoral run this November, alleged the city was overbilling residents for municipal water. The allegation touched off a special audit that is reportedly due to be finalized in the coming weeks.
Deming Pride gears up for its 10th anniversary celebration.
#pride #demingpride #demingnm #newmexico
On July 30, Deming saw a local caravan associated with the “Sound of Freedom” movie. The mayor attended. The main speaker dipped into #QAnon terrain. We found that locally some were not aware of the Q stuff, so we unpacked that a bit for this story. https://www.demingheadlight.com/2023/08/04/locals-organize-sound-freedom-caravan/
#SoundofFreedom #OperationUndergroundRailroad #DemingNM #NewMexico
#QAnon #soundoffreedom #operationundergroundrailroad #demingnm #newmexico
Deming’s former community services director sues the city over his termination last November, presses a class action claim about water bills — and says he’s running for mayor. https://www.demingheadlight.com/2023/08/03/former-deming-official-files-whistleblower-suit/
Lifeguard Megan Wertz was found at the deep end of the city pool with two 10-pound weights strapped to her, a suggested practice for cleaning duty at the pool that the former manager said had been done previous summers, but was not in city policy.
We dove into police reports and the state's investigation of the fatality, spoke to present and former staff about conditions last summer and changes this year.
#newmexico #lifeguards #workplacesafety #demingnm #Pools
Active wildfire in the Florida Mountains south of #DemingNM moving slowly. BLM is in charge of the response, since it is on federal land. Lightning is believed to be the cause. https://www.demingheadlight.com/2023/07/17/floridas-wildfire-moving-slowly-fire-crews-monitoring/
#demingnm #newmexico #wildfires #lunacounty #floridamountains
Meanwhile, in #DemingNM, a building abandoned by #Kmart in 2016 is being converted into the new city hall. https://www.demingheadlight.com/2023/07/06/demings-new-city-hall-nears-completion/
Kmart had the building listed for sale for years and couldn’t find a buyer. It just sat there on the commercial loop for a few years until the city bought it.
A tale of an unexpected guest: A Deming ranching couple were doing night-time routines when they heard the lowing of a cow, unusual for that hour.
They came upon a calf that had evidently wandered off and gotten trapped in a roadway cattle guard.
#livestock #demingnm #newmexico
The two chartered flights carrying #asylum applicants from El Paso, Texas to #Sacramento Calif. on Friday and Monday departed from here in #DemingNM, according to flight information.
Migrants told reporters they were bussed from #ElPaso and loaded onto a private chartered flight that has the hallmarks of last year’s stunt by #RonDeSantis.
#asylum #sacramento #demingnm #elpaso #rondesantis
I've been puzzled about the persistent disappointment that I'm not writing crime #blotters as in earlier days, naming everyone who got a DWI or committed some misdemeanor this week.
The city of #DemingNM and its police chief are so unhappy, the city is now producing its own blotter on its website, naming everyone.
My best guess is that there is a desire for extra-judicial punishment. Might not get a conviction, but we can shame them? I dunno, but that's my guess.
New Mexico's regulated market for adult-use #cannabis passed its first anniversary this month with bullish predictions from the governor's office for year two.
There are currently over 600 licensed retailers in #NewMexico. The state's largest operator says the market will probably sustain about a third of that number.
We also spoke to the founder of a smaller startup here in #DemingNM.
#cannabis #newmexico #demingnm
A cryptic social media message from our #DemingNM school superintendent inspired an editorial about why #localnews is preferable to online rumor mongering. #DemingHeadlight https://www.demingheadlight.com/2023/04/14/online-rumors-versus-real-news/
#demingnm #localnews #demingheadlight
A thrift store and resource center serving #unhoused people in #DemingNM was shut down by the #NewMexico fire marshal's office on Good Friday.
The center, which provides free meals, coffee, clothing, laundry and showers among other services, is expected to be closed for at least a week.
The center has been operating without a city license, which has blocked it from access to some funding as well.
#unhoused #demingnm #newmexico
A broadband project announced yesterday involves installing 49 miles of fiber optic in #LunaCounty #NewMexico, bringing service to #ColumbusNM and remote areas south of #DemingNM.
822 locations sounds like a modest number but it belies the geographic scope of the undertaking, mostly covered with federal #COVID19 money and some matching money by the provider.
And they say they'll have it done in a year, which is bold.
Story from #DemingHeadlight:
#lunacounty #newmexico #columbusnm #demingnm #COVID19 #demingheadlight #fttp #broadband
The past month has been really tough for the #DemingHeadlight and I've had doubts about our financial survival, but we may be turning a corner. In any case, we're still putting out #newspapers and today's is a good one, with news of #DemingNM and #ColumbusNM (which is experiencing governing chaos), interview with a congressman, a preview of the annual Rockhound Roundup, a good opinion page and more.
#demingheadlight #newspapers #demingnm #columbusnm
U.S. Rep. Gabe Vasquez of #NewMexico visits #DemingNM and #ColumbusNM to address natural gas prices and issues affecting development near the Columbus port of entry. #localnews #DemingHeadlight
#newmexico #demingnm #columbusnm #localnews #demingheadlight
The city of #DemingNM will allow off-highway vehicles on city roads. On its second try, the Deming City Council passed an ordinance tonight. It came down to a tie broken by Mayor Benny Jasso.
As recently as 2018, the city opposed this, but has done a 180 as enthusiasm grows.
But a retired police chief who is now on the council was having none of it.
#demingnm #ohv #sidebysides #localnews #newmexico
Wednesday's edition of the #DemingHeadlight is PACKED, and there's breaking news on DemingHeadlight.com, too. In this issue: A strange story from #ColumbusNM, #NewMexico Special Auditor orders exam of #DemingNM utilities, the #ForestService is sued to prevent aerial shooting of feral cattle in the #Gila wilderness, high school sports, and #NMleg updates from the state Legislature. I love this paper. #localnews #newspapers
#demingheadlight #columbusnm #newmexico #demingnm #forestservice #gila #nmleg #localnews #newspapers