One of these days I need to take read up on recent labor reforms in Mexico.
Here's a recent article in the "Democracia Sindical" section of La Economista.
"Reforma para todos, el cómic que te enseña a formar un sindicato.
Los derechos laborales se defienden mejor de manera colectiva, plantean el doctor en Derecho Laboral Pablo Franco y el artista plástico Enrique Rocha en esta historieta."
Here's the direct link to the guide:
Wow. Luisa María Alcalde, head of Mexico's Department of Labor and Social Welfare, explains the idea of union democracy quite clearly and forcefully. In the United States, the only politicians who talk about union democracy are anti-union Republicans who, like union bureaucrats, imagine democracy will weaken the workers movement.
#democraciasindical #uniondemocracy